Due to the lack of a reliable laptop, I will be unable to get online regularly for about a week. I could fight it, begging and borrowing from family members at odd moments, but I can not guarantee I will be able to get my posts up, and frankly, it’s a lot of work at a time when I’d like to be kicking back and enjoying the last fully-attended get together I’m likely to see for a while.
So, I’m going to wish you all a Happy Holidays right now, visit your blogs when I can, and otherwise fall silent for a few days. That means no Suzie’s House this week, no Fiction Friday 55, to Teaser Tuesday, and no Jack and Jill. There WILL be a Serialists post on Wednesday, which I intend to set up ahead of time, but I’m not going to try to highlight any particular author for it.
Be sure to come back next week. I’ll have all the things you enjoy when you visit here posting regularly again, and will catch up with everyone whose posts I missed while out of commission.
Have a great week, and see you soon.
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