Cyber Space

Something weird is going on with my blog, and it’s got me intimidated.  A few days ago I noticed that the number of viewings on my blog had doubled from my regular high.  I’ve hit the number before, but not without stirring up trouble.  I attributed it to May’s writer’s round up, which would be wonderful, because it could be repeated.  It turned out Avon had announced the winners of it’s Bottom 503 Awards.  One of my entries was included.

All right.  So I hadn’t really acquired a bunch of new friends, just some passing visitors.  So be it.

Today my viewings hit their all time high.  That’s not saying much since I haven’t been around all that long, but it certainly caught my attention.  The thing is, I have no idea why!  I’ve checked over the incoming links and search engine results.  Nothing makes sense. 

I have had people find me while looking for a song.  I’ve had people find me while looking for egg rolls.  I’ve had people who actually were interested in what I had to say about writing.  (Cool!)  I’ve had a bunch who keep coming in while looking for 10,000 ways not to build a lightbulb.  But these people are like ghosts.  They leave no trail.

I have a long blog about soup all ready to go, but have been too intimidated to post it.

The thing about cyber space is that it is every bit as hot and cold as deep space.  Numbers can blow your socks off at the same time that no one is leaving comments.  It can be hard to tell if soup will draw people in, or send them screaming into the night.  I have, through my blog, discovered a number of people I really like and am glad to stay in contact with.  I’m very selfish about this and would like more.

But who are these other people?  And how on earth did they ever hear about little old me?

Most peculiar.

Anyway, stay and have some soup!


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