The Serialists of March 14th

One of the first books posted online in it’s entirety that I encountered was Steal Tomorrow by Ann Pino. I may be the only person who has read and commented on every chapter of that book and as many of the related side stories as I could come by. It’s a fantastic read, and one of the reasons Ann is in my hall of honor in the side bar. Remember what she contributed to The Serialists last week? Tip of the iceberg. If you like apocalyptic science fiction, check it out.

This is the hub for The Serialists, a meme for people who post original, serialized fiction on their blogs. If you have one or more posts you would like for us to read, please put a direct link to the post(s) in the linky.

If you are not an author and would only like to read, then please leave a comment. I may feature you next week.


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