I went to step into the shower the other day and was confronted by this:
Of course my first thought was “When did the shower stall get wounded?” No, really. That was my first thought. It didn’t last long. I skipped right over, “How did that get there,” and went straight to, “Can I make the boy take it off of there, cause I know he put it there, or am I going to have to do it?”
I knew it was the boy who did it because he was the only one in the family who might possibly have stepped in the shower with a band aide on. Once there, he would probably be inclined to pick it off. He’s just wired that way. Once it was in his hand, what was he to do with it? Stick it, somewhere, of course.
I took a complete voyage in my mind in less than a minute – retracing someone else’s moments in life.
I think that’s what I love so much about Eve Dallas from the J.D. Robb books. Eve in a police detective who thinks through other people’s lives based on the clues before her. It’s fun to live through her eyes.
Do you do it? Do you like that sort of thing? Or do you go straight to, “Get in here and clean it up!”
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