13 filtered words and phrases

13 Words and phrases I’m tired of seeing in the machine-generated “comments” that hit my filters:

1. Article. I don’t write articles. I write all kinds of junk – most of it fiction – and post it here. Even my “How to” things rarely qualify as articles.

2. Helpful. Yes, I manage to be that sometimes, but never on the posts this word is applied to. Really, Suzie’s House is helpful? Or a poem about vampires? Or a picture of a wall? Yeah, right.

3. “This topic.” Yet it’s clear from the comments that whoever wrote that has no idea what the topic is.

4. “Fine read” on one of my ancient 365 Photos posts. One with no words. If it landed on a Suzie’s House, I might pull it from the thousands such “comments” I get each day. But no. It never does.

5. Ugg boots. It’s enough to make me decide to NOT buy them.

6. “This Blog”

7. “Your Blog”

8. Heck, just calling my blog a blog, because how often do you real people do that? Hardly ever. You wonderful people talk about whatever it is I’m talking about. That or something I said somewhere else.

9. “Loading slowly.” What is it with spammers that they feel like insulting my technical aspects? I’ve already asked a bunch of times, and you all always tell me the site is loading just fine. Except when it isn’t loading at all, and then I’m already dealing with it ahead of you.

10. “Howdy” or some other greeting, because, again, real people never bother.

11. “I subscribed”. I wish.

12. “Thanks for share”. What? Can’t even be grammatical? Mind you, this one particularly sticks out because it COULD be real. But not if it’s from an unknown commenter, on an old post, and leads to a purely commercial web site.

13. “I know this is sort of off-topic but” Again, so close to real.


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