Welcome back to the latest installment of The Serialists! This marks the first of what I hope will be a long line of Wednesdays in which people who post connected fiction can share their work. Anyone who has two or more posts of original fiction that include the same setting and/or characters is welcome to put in a link here (at the bottom).
I’ve decided to open up the listings to serials you may have written in the past, but please, don’t link to every post in one week. Spread them out a bit.
Congratulations, Sheilagh ! You’re my featured author this week! Sheilagh writes a werewolf serial that’s really heating up.
Also, please use this post to enter your work and visit one another for the next couple of weeks. I’m going to The Galapagos Islands, and am not sure how regular my internet access will be. It may take me a day or two to come visit.
2 Responses to The Serialists for July 6th