
I’m still pounding my head against Front Page, which I begin to dislike more and more.  Just when I finally figured out how to place things on the page where I want them I run into software glitches that do things like drop the menu bar from my home page.  What gives?

On top of that Avon FINALLY released the first assignment.  Since I’ve never done this kind of contest before I had no idea what to expect.  We have a total of 8,500 characters in which to write a scene.  That’s roughly three of my normal pages.  I hardly get warmed up in three pages.  Cripes!

And I learned today that the assignments are all scheduled so that the writing will be done over the weekend.  Great for everyone else, terrible for me.  I hadn’t get any writing done over the weekend on a normal basis.  Oh well.  It’s only three pages.

I’ve got 5 minutes until the kids get home.  Think I can write a scene from scratch in that time?  Gotta go!



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