Happy 101 Award

Given by Emily

Emily of Marvelous Recipes gave me this award. The rules are to list ten things that make me happy and to pass it on to ten people who make me happy.


1. Getting to the end of a really good book, to a point where the hero and heroine (Yes, I’m talking Romances) are on the brink of despair when everything clicks into place and they triumph big time.

2. When someone leaves comments on my blog. I love that.

3. When someone says they like my writing.

4. When I’m petting a kitty and he struggles up to my ear, bites my hair, and purrs really loudly. Hey! Who are you calling weird?

5. When there are just enough clouds at sunset to make the whole sky light up for ages, going from pink to orange to red to purple with the sun all golden the whole time. I particularly like it over mountains and/or water.

6. When someone who has been lurking suddenly comments, especially on Suzie’s House.

7. When someone give me one of these internet awards. I’m well aware of the hokey factor and I really don’t care. To me, it’s a compliment.

8. Looking at my adgenda at the end of the day and seeing a whole bunch of stuff checked off, especially when I could normally expect only one or two things to go well.

9. The A’s on my kid’s report cards.

10. When Mr. Al tells me he loves me.

People (willfully and somewhat randomly picked from people whose names make me smile on sight):

Mama Zen
Susan Anderson
Renee Lynn Scott
Mr. Knowitall
RJ Flamingo
Mrs. Mecomber


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