She Forgot

Would you yell at a kid for forgetting something?  How about for forgetting everything?

This morning The Girl informed me that she did not remember to turn in her receipt on school picture day, which was yesterday.  Does that sound weird?  See, the company that does school pictures for my kids has the option of ordering online.  Which I did.  But instead of simply matching her name to their records, she has to actually provide the bar-coded print out that I gave her to the photographer at the moment of picture taking.

She remembered the stupid paper while in class, but of course wasn’t allowed to go get it, forgot it during the time she was supposed to get it, and remembered again at the point of picture taking, but didn’t go to get it (don’t know if she wasn’t allowed or what)

The net result was the non-refundable $20 piece of paper became worthless, and I still don’t get pictures of my kid.

To my credit, I didn’t actually yell at her.  I wailed a little bit and lamented some, but didn’t actually yell.  Would you?


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