Craig crept slowly forward. Although the castle with it’s artistically draped ivy looked as peaceful as anywhere else in the computer generated world, you never knew when a level 50 vampire or even a field boss might jump out and drag your poor character into a major battle. If he could get into the castle proper, he might be able to lay his hands on a good sword. Then…
“Craig! Are you done with our taxes yet? I need to know how much to set aside.” His wife yelled from down the hall.
“Almost done, Honey!” He quick flipped tabs back to the online filing program.
The Challenge: Write a story in 100 words or less
The Challenger (Hub): Rochelle Wisoff-Fields
The Photo Credit: Roger BultotBreadcrumbs: If you leave a link in my comments to the post where you rose to the challenge, then I will be sure to comment. If it’s hard to find you, I’ll assume you don’t want a visit.
Also, please be patient with my slow comment form.
15 Responses to Through the Darkly Woods We Go