On a narrow mountain road in Bolivia Ted pulled a paint pot and brush from his backpack.
“You even have supplies with you now?” Anita, who financed the trip, set her much lighter pack on the ground.
“You never know when there will be a chance for a social statement.” He began painting fingernails onto a keep-hands-off road sign.
“That’s a palm, not the back of a hand,” she observed.
“It’ll mess with people’s minds.”
“Are you trying to make art or a joke?” She admired his work like a connoisseur.
“Is there a difference?”
The Challenge: Write a story in 100 words or less
The Challenger (Hub): Rochelle Wisoff-Fields
The Photo Credit: Björn RudbergBreadcrumbs: If you leave a link in my comments to the post where you rose to the challenge, then I will be sure to comment. If it’s hard to find you, I’ll assume you don’t want a visit
word count 95
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