Pink Beach

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After wandering around on Komodo Island, searching for dragons, we hopped on the boat and puttered around to a beach. The beach in question is just down the way from the docks to the preserve – on Komodo Island.

We came equipped with picnic baskets and snorkel gear. We were supposed to kick back for a bucolic romp on the rare, pink sands of the beach.

Much was made of this sand. It is composed of foraminifera – a marine protozoa – plus regular sand. Mix them and you get pink. Before arriving I had visualized some kind of florescently glowing, amazing, weird color. Frankly, if it hadn’t been pointed out more than once, I’m not sure I would have noticed the unique shade of the sand, though it is supposed to be found in only a handful of beaches around the world.

I enjoyed the picnic, snorkeled a bit, and spent a lot of time looking over my shoulder waiting for a vicious Komodo dragon to decide he was too hungry to sunbathe after all.

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