Dinner on the Docks

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This particular travel company expects people to provide their own meals about half a dozen times through the course of a three week trip. This gives people a chance to explore on their own. Sometimes my mother and I opt to hang out in our room enjoying some down time and munching on whatever we might have brought with us. Cliff bars work quite well for this.

While in Flores, we had two such nights, but our guides offered to take anyone interested down to the docks to eat. This turned out to be one of the best meals along the way.

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What you do is go along the wharf and see what the fishermen caught that day. When you find something that looks good, you have the guide barter for you. 🙂 The fisherman, or more likely his wife, will then cook it up in an enormous wok, toss it on a plate, add in some rice and a beverage, and place it on the picnic table in front of you.

We got our meals for less than ten dollars each. It was delish! We went for a clutch of calamari which we split between the two of us. Others in our group went for various fish and beer.

While this was going on, the peddlers with the pearl necklaces came by. All the other ladies on the trip were already wearing theirs, but I tried to play hard ball with the paddlers, and ended up not getting anything. I should have hit up the ATM machine in front of the hotel. If only I’d brought along my credit card.


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