On the Way to the Airport

The next morning we were supposed to leave Java and fly off to Bali. Like most best-laid-plans this one went awry. The airport in Bali suffered from drifting volcanic ash off and on the whole trip. It happened to be closed when we were supposed to take off, so the travel company arranged a later flight for us. That left all morning with nothing to do. Our guide quickly made alternative arrangements to keep us entertained. She lined up bikchas for everyone and had us all peddled to the Imperial Palace for an impromptu visit of the museum. These are all shots I took on the ride along the way.

1. In front of our hotel
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2. It’s not often you peddle under a traffic control bar.
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3. *Sigh*. Backsides again.
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4. Sculptures randomly scattered along the way
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5. There were a lot of them.

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6. Not sure if it’s advertising or what.
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7. Regular street scene.
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8. Flag. Of course. There were several
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9. Ended up taking a lot of this guy’s picture. Hey, he started it!
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10. The driver announced we were almost there.
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11. You can see the roof in the distance.
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12. A carnival ride nearby

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13. And we are here!

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