Rice Cracker Factory

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Horse drawn carriages took us to a rice cracker factory where we participated in rice cracker production.

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They use sticky rice, which is sticky, less transparent, and smaller than table rice. They use no preservatives.

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First they clean the rice with water. Then boil it. They take it off the fire and put a lid on it. The rice soaks up the water. Then they steam the soft rice.

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The crackers come in two flavors – sweet (with cane sugar) and salty (salt and garlic). The shape while it’s still hot.

Wash hands. Get/keep the hands wet to avoid sticking. Press the rice at the sides of the mold first, then over the top. They then go into trays to be baked, then baskets to finish drying out in the sun.
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I call it a factory, but it’s one of those places that looks more like someone’s porch. They have a permanent customer who sells them in the big shops. At the end of our visit, it was back in the horse drawn carts and off to rendezvous with motorized transportation.

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