1. I wrote over 20,000 words.
2. Harvested 7 grocery bags of apples.
3. Tried to harvest the entire tree.
4. Processed three bags.
5. Tried to process it all.
6. Prepared the backyard for a wind storm that was supposed to rival a hurricane.
7. Listened to the wind howl for a night. No damage done.
8. Attended my last Lifestyle Balance program meeting. Only lost 43 lbs this year. I guess I’ll have to work harder next year.
9. Switched ISPs.
10. Installed a hot spot including switching over a phone system and all computers.
11. Started on the next Indonesia post.
12. Ended up doing this instead. It’s faster and I’m tired.
13. Listened to a lot of Epic music mixes on Youtube
For more lists of Thirteen, visit Thursday Thirteen
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