Jack O Lantern

We had a huge pumpkin plant in our back yard this summer. A single plant from the dozen seed I started early in March made it to adulthood, but what a plant! The sucker sent out vines running all through the yard. Seriously, by the time it reached full size it made me think of Night of the Pod People type movies.

It was supposed to produce award winning pumpkins of the “you could move into that and live it it” verity. When the first pumpkin got to be slightly taller than knee-height, I started to think we’d need a forklift truck to move it come Halloween.

I spazzed out and harvested it way too early and have been eating pumpkin puree for weeks already. I let the next one grow to full size. It ended up about the same as the first. The day before Halloween we put it on a hand truck and wheeled it around to the front porch where it remains. I even carved it right there on the porch.

No one said a thing about it. They were too busy playing with the bubble-wrap under the leaves on our sidewalk. All summer verses about 15 minutes with a rake…. It’s hard to beat bubble-wrap.


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