Thursday Thirteen 55: Things That Can Keep Me From Reciprocating Your Comments.

I generally make an effort to go visit and comment on the blog of anyone who leaves a comment on mine, whether it’s for a meme or not. It seems to me that’s just good manners. Now and then I don’t, which bothers me because I feel so rude. So this is my list of excuses.

1. You never left a comment. Ever. Yeah, I’m talking to you, Nancy. Either quit telling me to visit yours, or start visiting mine.

2. You didn’t leave a link to your blog when you left the comment. I’m not saying you have to put a link in the comment itself, but if you don’t bother with the URL field so I can just click your signature, chances of my following you home go way down. I make an exception for Jodi, but that’s because she’s exceptional.

3. You’re on blogger, which doesn’t like me. File this one under technical difficulties. This tends to include some swearing and maybe a little stomping around, but you’ll never see it.

4. Your blog spit me out over and over. After three or four tries, I tend to just give up. Count this is another technical difficulties thing.

5. You’re link dumped me out on a page that made no sense to me. Either I couldn’t find your blog at all, or didn’t recognize it once I found it.

6. You made me hunt down and click in more than two places to get to your blog once I was on your web site. Yeah I’m lazy. What of it?

7. You said something so callous or rude on my blog that I couldn’t take you seriously. In the life of my blog this has only actually happened a couple of times.

8. It was Thursday, or one of my other big meme days, and I got turned around. I try to double check everyone, but now and then I loose track of where I was. I don’t think anyone has fallen through the cracks, but I’m such a ditz I can’t be sure. Double apologies on this one.

9. All of your most recent posts have me stumped. I simply don’t know how to respond without being completely and obnoxiously insensitive, or showing off how stupid I am. Um… if I commented anyway and came off sounding stupid or insensitive, then I’m sorry.

10. I’ve already said everything I have to say on everything you’ve posted in the last several weeks. Even then I might mention something off topic if something’s on my mind.

11. All of your posts are so long I can’t get through them without feeling guilty because I’m playing online instead of working.

12. I did leave comments. They are all getting caught in your approval que. Don’t believe me? Go check, darn it! BTW if that happens enough that I start to think it’s on purpose, I’m out of there.

13. It’s selfish, I know, but don’t expect me to come leave comments on your blog significantly more often than you leave comments on mine. It’s not like I never post anything new.

In order to get the permalink from this post you must both put your URL in the Mr. Linky thing and leave a comment.
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