Cranberry Jam

Molded Cranberry Jam

I was going for Cranberry Jelly Mold for Thanksgiving dinner, but missed. It worked out remarkably well.

The problem was that I didn’t have a sieve. I had the cranberries, water, and sugar on to boil, and no sieve. The problem with that is that if you leave the cranberry skins intact, you don’t get enough pectin for it to set. Yes, we could have done relish instead, but I got this bright idea and just had to run with it.

I dumped it into the food processor and ran the sucker for a count of ten, then dumped the whole thing into the mold. It was the fastest cranberry mold I’d ever done. It set like a charm. Only problem was that it didn’t come out with that jewel-tone clarity of the jelly.

Did it taste good? It’s a bit like relish; not as smooth as the jelly. The kids liked it so much there wasn’t anything left earlier today when I went to take a picture of a fork full to show you. It only lasted a few minutes longer than the pie.

1 c water
1 c sugar
1 pkg cranberry.

Bring to boil. Simmer for 10 minutes. Run through food processor for a count of ten. Pour into mold. Let cool on counter until cool enough to handle. Refrigerate.


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