From the Porch

Trigvey gave the screwdriver a turn. It slipped from the screw and gouged the ceiling boards of the front porch. The ladder under him shifted and clattered.

“Here, let me do that.” Diana set down a tray holding two glasses and a pitcher of lemonade. “You’re a lot better with a scalpel than with a screwdriver.”

“I’ll do it. I’m the man of the house.”

“I bet you wouldn’t say that to Suzie.”

“No one tells Suzie what to do. Is she even home?”

Both of them looked to the house next door, then at each other.

“I smell cookies. Let’s check.”

The Hub: Rochelle Wisoff-Fields
Photo credit: Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

These are all characters taken from my serial Suzie’s House, which is posted every Wednesday. Trigvey and Diana are also in my book, Moving In.


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