13 Things Getting Rained On

Here in Montana we tend to get a bit dry. When I lived in Wisconsin I could go a month at a whack without having to water the lawn. Not so in Montana. But for the last week we’ve been more than making up for it. It’s been highs in the 50’s and more rain than not for days. Here are ten things getting wet right now.

1. My garden. Yay!

2. The lawn. Yay again.

3. Lumber I was going to use as soon as I got the table saw running.

4. The table saw – wrapped up in tarps.

5. The van my son lives in.

6. The chair that wouldn’t fit into the van.

7. The junk in the back of a truck that was going to go to the dump.

8. The compost heap. That’s a good thing, right?

9. The shed which leaks.

10. A couple of old bicycles.

11. The electrical line. Is that why my internet has been acting weird?

12. My mail. I really need a new mail box.

13. The newspaper. The paperboy doesn’t even try to get it all the way into our yard. He drops it by the curb.

This will be the last week that I offer a Mr. Linky link on my Thursday Thirteen post. I’ve got nothing against Mr. Linky, but I’ve decided to give up my premium account. I’ll still be doing Thursday Thirteen regularly though and hope to see you then.


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