T13: A Hike to the Slot Canyons

Yep, still Mongolia. We hiked in to the slot canyons.

1. This is the view at the end, looking back.

2. We had to drive a ways to get to the trail head. Most of the Gobi desert is actually pretty flat. The canyons are in a mountain range that is typically referred to as The Three Beauties. The beauties in question are mountain peaks.

3. The trail head was very busy. Lots of people, both locals and international, come to the park to make the hike in. Naturally, there are a number of people who bring something to sell. They hung out here and at the end.

4. It didn’t take long for our group to spread out and even intermingle with other groups. There was little chance of getting lost if you stayed on the road, so it didn’t really matter.

5. Only a few yards in way came to the first oovo. There were more at the end. This was the area where I saw animal skulls mixed with the rocks.

6. I spent way too much time trying to get pictures of small, fast-moving creatures.

7. Sometimes I succeeded.

8. I have no idea what the flowers were, but they were pretty and abundant.

9. Though the terrain was rugged, the hike stayed gentle the entire way in.

10. Right past some nice views.

11. We had to cross over the same little creek a number of times. Generally there would be some handy rocks so we didn’t have to get our feet wet. it could be a little challenging.

12. The cliffs got closer and closer, but gradually.

13. Until finally we got to the slot. Apparently the trail went on for another six miles, but I didn’t trust my footing and called it good after going a few yards in. Then it was right back out on the same trail.


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