Ozymandias or Chinggis Kahn?

“Hey,” said one huckster to another. “Let’s build a statue. A big one.” He held his hands wide. “So people can see it from far away. And then when they come to check it out, we’ll charge them a viewing fee.”

“What, here? But there isn’t anything except our campfire here.”

“All the better. Who’s to stop us?”

The challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to write a story in exactly 55 words. Flash Fiction 55 is hosted by the G-man, a host with the most.

I have no idea if any hucksters were involved in the making of either the monument to Chinggis Kahn, or the Egyptian statues that inspired the poem to Ozymandias. But then, this is Fiction. I don’t have to worry about stuff like that.


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