My Day

I’m not a precise person, but I do tend to get a little… um… how shall we say… accountantly. What? Me, retentive? Well, sometimes.

So when you all asked me to do a day in my life instead of picking something like a recipe or sewing project for me to feature, my first reaction was to pick a day. I picked Wednesday.

See what I mean about going vertical?
That isn’t really fair. One day is NOT just like another for me. For instance, I’m a lot more likely to be online on Thursday, but not over at FanLit Forever. These days I spend my weekends packing at the old place while I’m already living at the new place. Yeah, I know it should have been done weeks, if not months, ago. Also, I tend to take in different major projects on different days, and to be busier on some days than other. For instance, Monday and Tuesday Mr. Al and I were busy trying to go vertical in the storage units so there would be enough room to unload the van, which was full of stuff from our trip to the old place over the weekend. Wednesday was pretty much the luck of the draw.

I actually kept track of everything. I wrote it all down on a slip of paper that is currently sitting on my desk. Unluckly for me, my desk is currently 50 miles away.

So here’s kind of more or less how it works out. If you MUST have the details, I’ll have to give them to you some other time.

The alarm goes off at 6:30 am every morning. I do not get up. Nope, not me. No way I’m getting up that early. So I hit the snooze alarm and roll over. This is actually a necessary function for me. Without the snooze thing, I wouldn’t get up at all. By 7 am I have stumbled to the kid’s rooms, turned on their lights, stumbled back to bed, levered myself out again, pounded on their doors, and decided I really am not going to get more sleep, so I might as well do the dishes.

Dishes are great. They are noisy, which helps get the kids up. I generally have the kids out the door by 7:30 am, and Wednesday was no exception. No coffee, tea, or chocolate is involved as I can’t have any of them due to the nasty things caffeine makes my heart do. It gives new meaning to “heart attack breakfast.”

Yep.  Me again.

So anyway, on Wednesday as soon as the kids were gone and I’d had a chance to check my email, I worked on painting the back porch.

This isn’t a fun little project – this is self defense. When we first moved in I found black mold growing everywhere on that porch. I desperately need the porch for the sake of storage space, but didn’t dare keep anything there the way it was. If the mobile home were on my own land I’d rip the sucker out and put up a new one. Unluckily for me, the park it’s in has covenants against anything resembling construction. The paint I’m using is supposed to stop and block the mold. I hope it will be enough.

You gotta be bored by now. If not, here’s some more:

I needed to get the project done quickly because a couple of days before I hired my son to move everything that was on the back porch out to the front porch. It sat there for way too long, waiting for me to deal with it.






So I spent the morning bouncing between a quick blog roll visit, some time over at FanLit Forever, and painting. A little before noon I tried out this experiment.

Gift, anyone?

It’s instant home-made soup seasoning. Sort of. What happened is that Mr. Al talked me into packing ALL my seasoning and taking it to the new place way too soon. I just couldn’t cook like that. So I threw my seasonings into a jar in layers. It came out looking so pretty I thought I might do a give away thing with it.

Anyway, I put the soup on to boil, tossed in a layer of seasoning, and went back to painting. To my amazement when I took a break and did a quick email check half an hour later the soup was perfect. It wasn’t even a little singed.

I took a long lunch, then went back to painting. Got the first layer done – yay me! – just in time for the kids to come home. I did the second layer on Friday and got everything moved back from one porch to another, with the help of my kids. Even Mr. Al stepped in and screwed in a couple of boards.

I know it doesn't look like much, but there are a lot of projects sitting here.

Then it was time to start on the sewing projects. With my last re-arrangement of the furniture I lost the only space I had in the mobile home for laying out fabric. I’ve been cutting out projects at the old place, which has a lot of open floors now.

In the couple hours I worked I finished off one pajama bottom, and would have finished off a second if the machine hadn’t acted up. Grumble. As it was, I had to do my sewing between phone calls to my son, since the only phone is in the same room. Seriously, he most have taken half a dozen calls in that time.

Hey, of you all aren’t interested in soufflé then I can keep blathering on. There’s more.

All day long I’d been thinking about what I was going to post for PhotoHunt. I even wrote the assignment on my hand. Of course, by now my hand is covered in paint and I can’t read it, but it’s on my mind. I get a great idea, but don’t take the picture at the time. Instead, I took all kind of pictures for this post. Why on earth it didn’t occur to me that PhotoHunt comes before recipe day, I have no idea.

Anyway, this is as far as I got with the sewing.

At least I got one done.

I fed the kids. Unluckily for me, they don’t eat soup, so it was a bit more of a challenge. I did a little visiting online. Then my daughter did something horrible to me. She found out where to get free manga online from a friend. She surfed in to Bleach, where kindly souls have done translations for us English speakers. Not only was everything in the issue we have on order for December right there, but so were about nine more books worth.

Around 1 am, I crawled into bed. By Friday I’d read them all.


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