Suzie’s House 87: Drew Steps In

This starts where last week ended

Suzie's House

“What’s wrong?” Drew’s voice was soft and comforting, and nearly made Suzie jump out of her skin. He’d come out of the living room behind her so quietly she hadn’t known he was there.

Standing in the cool comfort of the dark hall, trying not to cry over her son’s rejection, she wasn’t prepared to deal with anyone, especially Drew. Oblivious, he set his hands on her shoulders and began to kneed the tension out.

“I thought I heard you in the kitchen. Talk to me, Suzie.”

At first, when she didn’t want him touching her, when she thought she might still hide something from him, his massage made her more tense. Then she realized how futile her efforts were. He already knew exactly how she felt about him and Ben. There was no need to hide anything. The tension rushed out of her, leaving her feeling weak. She leaned against him, defeated.

“That’s better.” He moved down her arms, squeezing reassurance into her. “Except you still haven’t told me anything.”

“It’s Ben. He won’t do his homework.”

Drew chuckled. “Does any kid want to do homework?”

“No. I mean he WON’T do it. He refuses. He’s never refused before.”

“Oh.” His silence held too many thoughts. She could hear him lecturing, telling her how Ben was a teenager now, and teenagers are supposed to rebel. Or maybe something about how it was going to take Ben a while to get used to being back. Or any number of things she had already thought, but that didn’t make her feel better. When he finally spoke, all he said was, “That’s rough.”

He turned her around and leaned forward to look her in the eyes.

“You will get through this. I’m not saying it’s going to be easy, but it’s worth it.”

She bit her lip and nodded. He pulled her close. It felt so good to press her cheek to his chest while he stroked her back. After a few minutes she started to think things weren’t so bad. All the things Drew hadn’t said were true. Ben hadn’t turned into a hoodlum, he was just having a rough time right now.

She wanted to tell him she would be there for him when he was ready. She wanted to let him know, right that minute, that she understood. She pulled away from Drew, then pushed past. He caught her by the wrist, gently pulling her back.

“You should let him be for now.”


“Give him time.” Drew pulled her in, holding her in a way that both comforted and excited. He nudged her head back, and gave her a kiss.

It was a slow kiss, a soft melding of lips to lips only a couple steps up from simple friendship. It made her feel loved, respected, and understood. She twined her arms around his neck and pressed a little closer, enjoying the moment.

“Mom!?” Ben’s voice came from behind her.

Suzie wrenched around to see that her son stood at the end of the hall. He had the recipe file in his hand. “What are you doing?”

Suzie shoved at Drew, trying to pull away like a guilty teenager. He didn’t jump back, though. In fact, he held on, making it hard for her to put any distance between them.

“Drew,” she grumbled, still trying to break contact.

“Remember our agreement?” Drew spoke quietly. “You bring him back, but you don’t let him get in the way.”

“There are reasonable limits,” Suzie hissed back.

“Yes, but this isn’t it.”

“What do you mean by ‘you bring him back’? Are you saying Drew was the one who wanted me? Not you, Mom?”

“The kid has sharp ears.”

Ben’s face grew thunderous. He looked at Suzie as if she’d betrayed him somehow. Then he rushed past them, shoving Suzie out of his way as he went.

“Ben!” Suzie shouted. She took a step toward her son as he whipped into her office, but Drew stopped her.

“Let me. It’ll be easier coming from me than someone he really cares about.”

“But…” What exactly did Drew intend to say?

“Trust me.” He squeezed her hand, then went after Ben.

Trust him? Suzie drew a deep breath, trying to get her whip-sawed emotions under control. She’d already trusted him in so many ways, but how much more would he demand?

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10 Responses to Suzie’s House 87: Drew Steps In

  1. Pingback: Suzie’s House 88: Man to Man « Alice’s Restaurant

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