The Serialists of April 3rd

One of the hazards of being a serialists is that the mood changes that seem to be part and parcel to being a writer tend to have a stronger effect than when simply writing a novel. Waiting for the muse to visit, for instance, is a lot easier to do when no one will notice how our work stops and starts sporadically. And a crises of faith can be devastating to a serial where to a book it may mean putting it away for a few years, then pulling it back out when faith is restored. Losing one’s faith in humanity, in particular, can have far reaching impact on a writer’s life.

It is such a crisis that has overtaken Altonian. I am very sad to see a great serial end so abruptly, and on such a harsh note. Likewise, I’m sad to see a good writer leave the fold, particularly in this way. My sympathies, Altonian. At least you are still writing.

This is the hub for The Serialists, a meme for people who post original, serialized fiction on their blogs. If you have one or more posts you would like for us to read, please put the direct link(s) to the post(s) in the linky. Remember to visit one another and comment. We all want to hear from our readers.


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