Jack and Jill – Make a Suggestion

Apparently I can’t do PhotoHunt Jack and Jills anymore. I’ve been trying, but for the last three weeks I was unable to come up with something. I think part of the problem is that I’ve been doing Jack and Jill for so long now that I already have perfectly good posts up for most of the kind of words you would use in PhotoHunt. I think part of the problem is that I can’t seem to get a roll going the way I did before. I’m itching for some independence.

So I think it’s time to try something new. Instead of tying myself down to PhotoHunt, I’m going to do Jack and Jills all on my own. But I still want the puns and general mayhem that working toward a word can give you.

So here’s the deal. Make a suggestion. Toss out a word or phrase you’d like to see me work with. I’ll come here to this post over and over to fish for ideas. If I use your suggestion, I’ll link to your blog and give you credit. Every Saturday I’ll post a Jack and Jill just like I did PhotoHunt.


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