Chasing Sharks

Songbird Island

Honest, I’m not the sort of person who does stupid things like feed bears, try to pet deer or buffalo, or chase after skunks.  I don’t know what got into me!

Our second day at Maya Breeze Inn we decided to go snorkeling.  We hired a touring company named Nite Wind (yes, that’s how they spelled it) to take us out to one of the cayes that is part of a reserve.  Our tour guide’s name was Mark.  He wasn’t real good with kids, but otherwise very helpful and informative. 

He guided us around Song Bird Island, bringing up such sea life as conch, sea cucumber, etc., which we would pass around, then return to the sea.  Now and then he’d flush out some exotic fish while we took pictures with our underwater cameras.

It’s the camera that got me.  Seemed like every time I lined up a great shot my snorkel would fill with water.  I’d need to inhale and have to give up the picture to fix the snorkel.  And breathe, of course.  So when Mark flushed out a nurse shark about as big as myself I fired off a wild shot then started chasing it in the hopes of getting a better shot.

I had gone a few yards when I came to my senses.  I mean, it would have been a great shot, but did I really want to be chasing a shark?  What if it decided to turn around?

So I let it go and got pretty pictures of coral instead.  That’s more my speed anyway.



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