Impulse by Joann Ross p.211

He simply would not give up the chase.

She’d never foreseen that what she’d once considered his best attribute could turn so deadly.

MizB of Should Be Reading hosts Teaser Tuesday. Grab your current read, open to a random page, share a couple of “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page. Go see Should Be Reading for more detail.


Friday Fictioneers

I wasn’t at all sure if it would work out. The Friday Fictioneer hub posts on Wednesday and requires that you fit your fiction to their photo. But they have a huge following and the response was better than I had reason to expect. So it looks like there won’t be a major melt down here at For the foreseeable future you’ll be seeing fiction snippets of about 100 words from me on Fridays along with a picture that was provided to me by the hub.

Last Friday I did a snippet about a character from Suzie’s House. Of course in my mind it has the weight of all the history about the character that has been posted in my blog over the two or three years since he came into existence. But to my new readers, there is nothing much to him.

This was brought home to me vividly by the comments left on the post. Everyone is rooting for him to get over his stage fright. But at the end of the 100 words Bruce doesn’t have stage fright so much as an omen.



Farting in the kids bed and holding the cover over his head

Tina: Leave me stuck in a bottle for a week will you? Take that!

Previously in Jack and Jill: Keeping It All Bottled Up

The theme for this week’s Jack and Jill is “Farting in the kids bed and holding the cover over his head” as suggested by The Walking Man
Want to see what I can do with a word or phrase? Make a suggestion.


Bruce’s First Night on Stage

Bruce’s hands trembled as he stepped on stage. All the other guys in the band were at least six years older. If it weren’t for his uncle, he would never have had the chance to join any band, let alone one ready to turn pro. He was way outclassed, and knew it.

“Hey. Kid. You going to be all right?” The lead guitar thumped him on the shoulder as he went past.

“Yeah. Yeah, I’ll be fine.” He went to his keyboard.

Fingers in place, band members ready, he raised his hands, looked up into the lights…. and froze.

Photo copyright-Kent Bonham The photo has been modified to suit myself.

This is a Friday Fictioneers entry. Bruce is a character from my serial, Suzie’s House, which is posted every Wednesday.


13 Things on my To Do List

To quote a slogan making the rounds on Tumblr “I don’t have a Honey Do list. I have an I’ll Do It list. And guess what. Sht gets done.”

1. Come up with a list of 13, (Can I cross that off yet?)



Suzie’s House 351 : The Decomposing Composure of a Gaunt Connection

Suzie's House

“Gene?” Suzie could not have been more surprised. Instead of finding Drew on the stairs creeping up to her room, she found Gene trying to slip into his room in the dead of night. “Where have you been?”

“No where.” He sounded grudging as he hunched over, his dark silhouette hulking.

“This late at night?” Her voice rose despite her intentions. She shoved past him to reach the light switch.



The Serialists of April 2nd

Featured Author: Carrie Ann, who needs to remember to swing by here more often.

This is the hub for The Serialists, a meme for people who post original, serialized fiction on their blogs. If you have one or more posts you would like for us to read, please put the direct link(s) to the post(s) in the linky. Remember to visit one another and comment. We all want to hear from our readers.


Impulse by JoAnn Ross p.105

Josh just wanted to go to bed and sleep until spring. Or at least until he turned eighteen and could escape this dead-end town.

Star Trek had it wrong. Wyoming was the final frontier.

MizB of Should Be Reading hosts Teaser Tuesday. Grab your current read, open to a random page, share a couple of “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page. Go see Should Be Reading for more detail.


End of an Era

Fiction Friday 55 is no more.

G-man, who hosted it for seven years, passed it along to a couple of fine ladies who promptly moved it to Tuesday. So I guess it is now Fiction Tuesday 55. Unluckily, that doesn’t work real well for me. I already have something going on Tuesdays, and would rather not quit it or double book. Besides, that leaves a hole in my schedule on Friday.



Keeping it All Bottled Up

Jill: I’m sorry about dumping my mother on you while we were on vacation. I know she can be hard to handle. If she gets to be too much, tell me. Please don’t feel like you have to keep it all inside. All right?

Theodor: No, no. I got exactly what I wanted from her.

Previously in Jack and Jill: Basking in Her Glroy

The theme for this week’s Jack and Jill is ” bottle ” as suggested by The Boy
Want to see what I can do with a word or phrase? Make a suggestion.


55:A Visit to the Couch

It begins with the twining of fingertips while talking across the breakfast table. A smile. A heated look. Suddenly the desire flares. A coffee cup gets overturned, puddles left forgotten. The floor’s too hard, table too unstable, don’t feel like b… It ends on the couch with a twining of fingers. It wouldn’t have happened without a twining of fingers.

This 55 was inspired by Brian Miller.

The challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to write a story in exactly 55 words. Flash Fiction 55 is hosted by the G-man, a host with the most.


T13: How to Live with a Hoarder.

Everyone in my family is hoarder. Every single one of us, including me. But enough is enough! When I can’t get through a room without bumping into something, I have to put my foot down.

1. Forgiveness. You’re going to have to forgive your hoarder for something just about every day. If it comes down to you or hoarding, you will probably be the one who has to go, even if your hoarder thinks otherwise. He or she does not recognize when he or she is doing it.

2. Paths. You might be able to get individual rooms cleared out to normal levels, but chances are that things will build up along walls and in front of furniture no matter what. A hoarder won’t see a problem with this, but will generally accept the need for a way to get from place to place.



Suzie’s House 350 : Pillow Thoughts

Suzie's House

Suzie lay in bed and stared at the ceiling. A car drove slowly past, casting light-shadows across the dark ceiling like ghosts flowing through a sea of doubt. Like her thoughts, they kept flickering before going out with the low hiss of tires on pavement.



The Serialists of March 26th

Featured Author: Ann Pino, who keeps dancing on the edge of disaster

This is the hub for The Serialists, a meme for people who post original, serialized fiction on their blogs. If you have one or more posts you would like for us to read, please put the direct link(s) to the post(s) in the linky. Remember to visit one another and comment. We all want to hear from our readers.


The Eye in the Pyramid by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson p.196

“You think I can’t tell a voice in my head from a voice in my ears?”

Hagbard roared with laughter, so loud that it made George feel a little uncertain. “Not when you’ve had your first taste of Kallisti Gold, man.”

Still on the reading challenge. I’m a slow reader, but I’m way ahead of the others.

MizB of Should Be Reading hosts Teaser Tuesday. Grab your current read, open to a random page, share a couple of “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page. Go see Should Be Reading for more detail.
