Featured Author:
Sheilagh who loves the hair-raising scene.
This is the hub for The Serialists, a meme for people who post original, serialized fiction on their blogs. If you have one or more posts you would like for us to read, please put the direct link(s) to the post(s) in the linky. Remember to visit one another and comment. We all want to hear from our readers.
The end of May brings with it the end of Birthday Season for my family. With one exception, we were all born in the Spring. For a few months it’s one after another. It’s not quite as intense as Christmas, but there is much the same feel.
By the time it’s over I will have made three cakes, and mailed at least one package. This year I very nearly forgot Mr. Al’s birthday. Not that I overlooked him, but rather I got busy with other things and didn’t realize what the date was until the day after. Talk about scrambling. I already had his gift. I just didn’t fork it over on the right day.
Some friends still haven’t received anything. But they know me well. Their birthday gifts will arrive in time for Christmas.
Aunt Gertrude: So when do you think Tina can move back in with you?
Jack: When willows bear grapes.
Jill: What is mother trying to do?
Jack: I believe she’s trying to make us fall for it, but she’ll be the one to end up with sour grapes.
Previously in Jack and Jill: Daughter of Satin
The theme for this week’s Jack and Jill is “When willows bear grapes.” as suggested by Brian Miller
Want to see what I can do with a word or phrase? Make a suggestion.
PHOTO Copyright – Douglas M. MacIlroy
“I mean, the world if full of the most incredible things, isn’t it?” Sandra’s voice sounded distant on the phone. “Have you ever seen Mt. Fuji?”
“Sure. Who hasn’t?” Carly lit a candle, then leaned back with her laptop. She googled Mt. Fuji.
“Most of the world, I would think. When have you ever been to Japan?”
“I haven’t. But I’ve still seen it plenty of times in pictures.” She picked a particularly appealing image and saw it full screen.
“Does that even count?”
“Why not? You didn’t ask if I’d ever stepped on it, just if I’d seen it.”
Photo copyright
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What a fine woman Drew had found for himself. Trent couldn’t help but admire her apple cobbler, and her fried chicken put to shame anything he could sneak past Sonoma. He pushed his plate back and settled an aching leg on the chair on the other side of the kitchen table with a sigh of relief.
“Are you sure you wouldn’t like thirds?” Suzie bustled around the kitchen with a spoon in one hand and a mixing bowl in the other. She smiled warmly, making Trent feel right at home.
Featured Author:
Ann Pino Who has long kept me entertained.
This is the hub for The Serialists, a meme for people who post original, serialized fiction on their blogs. If you have one or more posts you would like for us to read, please put the direct link(s) to the post(s) in the linky. Remember to visit one another and comment. We all want to hear from our readers.
The nose piece on my glasses fell off about a week ago. I managed to locate it, but the little screw that held it in place is long gone. Luckily, I have one of those kits that comes with a special screw driver and a set of tiny screws. Unluckily, the tiny screws didn’t fit.
I managed to repair it in a way by pushing a straight pin through, then bending the pen around so the tip faced away from my eye. This actually worked very well, but after a day or so I felt compelled to deal with it in a more legitimate fashion.
In other words, I stopped off at Walmart to pick up more tiny screws. I hadn’t expected the eyeglass staff to be there. I went straight to the wall where I knew glasses parts were stocked with the intention of squinting at packages in the hopes of guessing the right size.
Jill: Honey, could you go out to the car and bring in my mother, satin.
Jack: No! Anything but that!
Jack: Oh, wait. You mean you mother’s fabric? Yeah. Sure.
Jill: What did you think I said?
Jack muttering: Don’t ask.
Previously in Jack and Jill: Out With the Old
The theme for this week’s Jack and Jill is “satin” as suggested by Talon
Want to see what I can do with a word or phrase? Make a suggestion.
Photo Copyright -Jennifer Pendergast
He steps into the future, like walking through a waterfall. One moment, safe in the cocoon of higher education, the next, into the wide world of unemployment, hungry student loans, and too much competition for each job offering. The reality of an English degree but not a teaching certificate strikes hard. Where his Engineering friends are raking in the bucks, he’s facing a quick trip back to Mommy and Daddy’s house. Sometimes he wishes he’d never moved the tassel from one side to the other. Sometimes it’s as if he hadn’t.
Click the button on the right to go to the Friday Fictioneers hub
If you want me to visit your blog, please leave a link that will at least get me close.
I took full advantage of the extra day off.
1. I set up a sales booth.
2. Bought a clothing rack.
3. Finished making a cape.
4. Sold the cape.
5. Altered the cape at a customer’s request.
6. Stalked the customer to see if I did a good job on the alterations.
7. Played a drum
8. Sang badly
9. Got a short story critiqued.
10. Wore a rat tail.
11. Wore funny hats
12. Did a rebel yell in honor of fallen soldiers.
13. Spent less than a quarter of the time I usually do online.
Gene sat on the edge of his bed with his shoulders all slumped and everything. There was Lisa and Ben in the room, too, but Tracy didn’t think they’d want to hang out for long, no matter how meddlesome Lisa might be. Tracy sat next to Gene, but she didn’t’ try to rub his back or anything this time. She couldn’t bear to be shrugged off again.
Featured Author:
Sheilagh Who is rapidly approaching the summit of her current series.
This is the hub for The Serialists, a meme for people who post original, serialized fiction on their blogs. If you have one or more posts you would like for us to read, please put the direct link(s) to the post(s) in the linky. Remember to visit one another and comment. We all want to hear from our readers.
“It’s about perimeters,” she said as she leaned against the fence. “What we had before required a certain amount of trust. So I gave you the benefit of a doubt over and over. But you brought HER home. You knew how that would make me feel. The trust we had before is gone. I can’t do much about the fact we are neighbors, but I don’t have to cater to you anymore.”
“You’re point?” He pushed up the front brim of his cowboy hat.
“Mend the fence! Next time your nanny goat invades my pasture I’m going to put her in the stew pot.”
Photo Copyright – Erin Leary
Click the button on the right to go to the Friday Fictioneers hub.
If you want me to visit your blog, please leave a link that will at least get me close.