13 Changes

It’s been just over a year since I moved my blog from WordPress.com to www.AliceAudrey.com, and just under 4 years since I started blogging. Much has changed in that time. Here are some that I have done, and some I am anticipating:

1. I learned a little bit of HTML. When I first started, I was afraid of pictures.

2. I learned a teeny-tiny bit of CMS (Content Management System – another blog programming thing). I was originally afraid of it, too.

3. I published over 1,800 posts.

4. I made my own banner.

5. I got my dd to make a gravatar for me. (Yeah, I’m still wowed. Let me bask a little longer. I promise I’ll be over it soon.)

6. I put in a front page which I call Welcome.

7. I received over 20,000 comments which transferred from WordPress.com to AliceAudrey.com, but which, for some strange reason, the program no longer counts. It’s weird. All my oldest posts say “0 comments”, but then list the comments. *shrug*

8. I tried to make Suzie’s House easier to read. Still working on that one.

9. I got published (Moving In).

10. I put all the sales junk about Moving In on my Welcome page, then moved it off to it’s own. It’s under “Books” now.

11. I joined this thing called Blogmania. On September 15 and 16 over 100 blogs will be giving away a bunch of stuff just so you will come and visit.

12. I’m giving away a bunch of stuff, including a quilt. In the next few weeks you’ll get a chance to see regular updates on it. You’ll get to watch it being made. I mean more than what you already have so far.

13. The updates, along with a list of all the other fabulous prizes I can come up with, will be taking over my Welcome page.

Starting as soon as I figure out how to handle the CMS.


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