13 Minutes

Totally Random Picture

13 things that I can do in 13 minutes.

1. Drive to The Boy’s school.
2. Talk about the nature of openness and acceptance to The Boy
3. Watch The Boy receive and reply to ten text messages. Fastest thumbs in the west.
4. Listen to The Girl complain about The Boy complaining about the nature of openness and acceptance.
5. Watch the first half of Bleach on TV.
6. Come up with 100 more words for my NaNo book.
7. Come up with three titles for my NaNo book.
8. Discard all three titles and stick with the old one because none of them were any good anyway.
9. Visit half the people who have commented here.
10. Watch the computer get all jammed because I opened too many tabs at once, go get a bowl of cereal, read the mail, and try to figure out another 100 words while waiting for everything to pop up.
11. Make Ramon Soup.
12. Eat supper. Yes, that does include chewing.
13. Come up with an idea for a list of 13.


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