Thurs 13: Done List

A couple of weeks ago I posted a to-do list for my TT. Gattina suggested I use the same list the next week and tell which I got done. So I gave myself a little extra time, but here it is, how I did with my to-do list from two weeks ago.

1. Final polish on Moving In.
Yay! Done, and turned in.

2. Revise first 3 chapters of Zackly Right – Nope. Still on the list.

3. Write current week of Suzie’s House.
Spazed and did it in the last minute.

4. Write next week’s Suzie’s House so I don’t end up scrambling at the last minute, which can be kind of scary. Uh oh. Oops. Better do it now.

5. Make sure kids stay on top of their homework. – This one never ends. I checked on them every night, but the girl still fell behind.

6. Figure out the school’s new-fangled computer system so I can stay on top of the homework assignements.
-Figuring it out and liking it are not the same thing, right?

7. Vacuum the bedroom/office. It’s been well over a week and getting nasty. -Almost didn’t, but was too embarrassed to post this list and still not have it done. It sure is a lot nicer now.

8. Watch the current Netflix selection so I can get it back in the mail for the next one to come.
-Yeah this one was sooooo hard to do. *grin*

9. Think up a better TT for next week. All the ones I had saved up are looking funky due to file format changes from having left aol. I did! I did! But now I have to do it again.

10. Replace a kitchen faucet. It would have been done twice over already if the bolts holding it on hadn’t proved stubborn and the original replacement faucet the wrong kind. Hired The Boy to do it, which of course means I did half and supervised while he did half.

11. Paint a floor.
Yep! I should probably do one more coat in a particular area, but ran out of paint.

12. Paint a staircase Sort of? I did three steps. Does that count?

13. Rent out the house that needs the faucet and floor paint. – I wish! But you know, it isn’t entirely up to me. So far only one person who showed up to look at it didn’t want it, but those who did are all unemployed. I’m very much aware of the state of the economy right now.

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More Thursday Thirteen participants can be found here
And here.

As always, I welcome the link to your Thursday Thirteen in my comments as well as in Mr. Linky.

This week’s featured post: Jackie Tough decision this week. I liked Jackie’s theme.

Susan Helene Gottfried
Tamy~3 Sides of Crazy
Debbie@Like a Rose
Paige Tyler
On a limb with Claudia
Deanna of Kitsch-Slapped


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