Remember this? I’ll be drawing the names tomorrow night. Do your clicking now.
I still have a lot of work to do before it’s set up the way I want, but I now have a couple of items in it. So, though still under construction, please allow me to introduce my Etsy store. So far, these are the only two things that I have up for sale.
I ran into not one, but two brick walls last week. These are walls that you, personally, might notice. The first was the collapse of TNChick as the hub for PhotoHunt. For the last two or three years, ever since there were some health issues in her family, she has been unable to really tend the hub, but this closing down was no real surprise. She did at least offer it up for grabs, so the meme itself stands a […]
is Heather! (I didn’t feel like messing with so I had Mr. Al pick a number while he was off in the kitchen doing dishes. He picked five, then he thought HE had won something. Silly man.) Congrats Heather! Let me dig around and see if I can figure out what I did with your address. This is what I get for not having an address book, and for having moved.
No, Jannie, they aren’t marital devices for Jack and Jill. They are earrings made of origami cranes. These are the smallest hand-made paper cranes I’ve ever seen – made from paper that is only an inch and a half wide. I thought I’d sell them on Etsy. Anyway, Happy Halloween, everyone.
Finally, it’s here! With permission from Susan Helene Gottfried, I’ve started my own version of Win a Book. Susan will continue with the Facebook page, while I do my own thing here.. I’m lazy, so I automated it. The listings section automatically updates itself based on what is submitted. I will check up on it regularly and make sure spa m is removed along with outdated entries, but for the most part I expect it to run itself. There are […]
I’m retiring this pole soon, so this is your last crack at it. Let me know what you think. [poll id=”16″]
Switched out 12/18/11 Best laid plans of rodents and women – my exercise program got washed out by an excess of rain. More about that in a minute. First, let me introduce Win a Book. If you look at my menu bar, you’ll notice I have a new page up. It’s a new home for Win a Book, that great resource developed by Susan Helene Gottfried. It all became too hard for her to keep on top of, so I […]
I’d hoped to be able to roll out a couple of new things for you here on my blog, but it looks like the soonest for either will be next week. In the meanwhile, check out the people on the Serialists lists. There are some great stories to be found there. All they will cost you is a click.
I was going to say “Gone Fishing” but I have no intention of messing with a rod and reel, so Gone Sailing is more accurate. I’m off to the low-tech world of the Galapagos Islands, home of a million varieties of finch and turtle. The point is that I’m out of Internet range at the moment. At least I expect to be for the next several days. In the mean while, since you’ve bothered to click to my site, talk […]
As of Next Wednesday, this space will be used for the weekly Serialist post and also Suzie’s House. I was finding my Friday’s a little too full between Fiction Friday 55, Suzie’s House, and the new meme too. I’m afraid we are going to have to say good bye to Mr. Al’s history posts. He’s gotten so busy writing fiction that he’s not even looking at the book I bought for his next series. I’m not sure what I’ll do […]