I’m busy with work. I’m going to lay off the blogging for a few days. I’ll visit everyone who comments, but won’t post until next Monday.
Last week I mentioned I was thinking about making some new plans for my Friday posts. Only two people commented, and the poll thingy isn’t working right. One said she liked my photo and saw lots of potential in it. The other that he’d love to see Fiction Friday 55 brought back, or I could post anything I wanted. After thinking about it, I decided to simply substitute my own pictures and do a story of 100 words or less […]
Most of you know already that I participate in a blog hop called Friday Fictioneers. The challenge is to write a short story based on the picture they provide in 100 words. The hubmaster for the hop is currently occupied with promoting her books and getting the next one out. She does not feel she has the time to produce a new story each week. As a result she is re-running old pictures and the stories she wrote to go […]
http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a385/AliceAudrey/365/1212224689_zps50dd0757.jpg Jack and Jill are going on vacation for a couple of weeks. They will be back after New Years.
I’m wandering around in the Canadian Rockies right now. I have no idea when or where I will run into a hotspot, let alone when I will be able to carve the time out to post. So, I’m not going to commit to anything from now until August 23rd. So – no Tuesday Teasers, no Suzie’s House, no Thursday Thirteen, no Friday Fictioneers, and no Jack and Jill until then. BUT, I will be posting random posts about my trip. […]
I’m still at my mother’s house, but I’ll be getting back to m desktop as soon as I can. I thought it would be easier to post and visit while traveling. I hit a hot spot three more times before now, but was always so tired I couldn’t handle it. In one case we were back in Ulaanbaatar for barely 12 hours, and had to not only sleep, but re-pack. Then it was off to the Gobi desert. I also […]
I’m away from keyboard again. As I mentioned on my Welcome page, I’m going to Mongolia for a few weeks. I’ll be sleeping in yurts, wandering through deserts, paddling across lakes, visiting museums, and meeting families who raise yacks and reindeer. Yes, of course I’m going to take pictures. 🙂 I’ll be glad to share them with you when I get back and have time to cull through what is good and what is not. I’m taking 32megs of memory, […]
Jill: I can never remember if it goes forward or backward. Jack: It’s the solstice, not daylight savings time. Jill: No, no. I mean the new official time for posting Jack and Jill. It’s supposed to be NOON, Mountain Standard Time on Saturdays. Jack: Ah, right. So Alice can catch the morning Light. Jill: Exactly. Previously in Jack and Jill: Reboot The theme for this week’s Jack and Jill is forward and backward as suggested by The Walking Man Want […]
G-man is out of the hospital and on the road to recovery now, but he said it would be a while before he’s ready to do another Fiction Friday 55. So, I’m thinking about doing a poetic thing on Fridays until he’s up to it again. I’d do it today, but I have company this weekend. Oh, and the owl picture is from the Graffiti Wall. Totally random.
It seemed a bit over kill to use random.org to pick the winner this time, so I flipped a coin. I assigned heads to Mama Zen because she commented first and tails to Heather and flipped three times because the first flip kind of didn’t actually turn in the air. The winner is Heather! Congrats on being lucky. 🙂