Um…. yeah. I’m sorry about that. After all the times my bloggie buddies have simply disappeared without warning, leaving me hanging, not knowing if they were dead or alive…. I never had any intention of doing the same myself. Where was I? Just living IRL. It seems when I finally threw in the towel on Suzie’s House because the vast majority of my readers had no interest in it, I lost interest in blogging all together. I went back to […]
I branched too much. Can’t decide which line to pick up right now. I’m going to take a week to do some mental mapping. Watch for the next Suzie’s House next week.
Sorry. It’s been a really long work week and I have a sore throat. I’m just not up to cranking out the next Suzie’s House right now. I’ll have it up next Monday.
Overseas Adventure Travel. Often called “oat” by the tour guides and tourists, Overseas Adventure Travel is the company that I have been traveling with for the last few years on my overseas adventures. In other words, I went to Mongolia, Indonesia, and Iceland with them, but not Belize, Canada, or Mexico. Would you like to go? Really? If you use the coupon code for a discount from my sidebar, then I will get credit good toward future trips. Added to […]
Yeah, Suzie’s House will be posting on Mondays starting NEXT Monday. Today I’ll work on dealing with the graphics issue that Photobucket just dumped on me.
I’m traveling! I’ll let you know all about it in July. I’ll get back to things like Suzie’s House and Thursday Thirteen then.
I broke down and bought a new computer. I’m already regretting it. The keyboard is too small. I keep stumbling over my own fingers. Passwords are still a major problem. There are certain email accounts i can’t get into at all. And I discovered that not all USB ports are made alike. My new one is also the charging port. That means I better have a full battery before i do half of what i want to because I can’t […]
I’m still having computer problems. It started with a laptop that was in my lap and actively working when it died. It made the stereotypical “Peeeewwww” sound and the monitor shut down and that was the total end of it. I couldn’t get it to turn on again. I handed it off to The Boy and moved on.
I’m attempting to blog from a $50 tablet. All my other computers have broken down. If your blog requires a password to leave a comment, it could be a while before I get back to you. Sorry. No Suzie’s House this week. I’ll resume blogging as soon as I can. If anyone knows Anastasia please tell her I will be unable to do her son’s taxes. Can’t get into my email. Don’t expect email replies. It could be a while […]
Just saying. There won’t be a Suzie’s House next week either, due to doctors appointments. Wait. Is today Wednesday?
You probably won’t be hearing much from me for the next few days. I just went in to get a hip replaced.