I know, you’ve seen half a dozen shots of this particular mountain already. Until I started this 365 thing I didn’t realize I’d taken so many of it.
They’re called Bionicles. They were quite the rage when we got them for the boy. Used to buy them for Christmas every year. Cost less than ten bucks. Now he only want stuff like an electric guitar or an iPod.
Doesn’t this look like it should have some words on it? Maybe Merry Christmas, Thursday Thirteen, Talk to Me Tuesday, or Space for Rent. Just seems to me something is missing. What do you think? Should I add some words? If so, what should I say?
Certainly not my grandmother’s house, but probably someone’s. If you squint real hard toward the top of the picture, above the stream, you should be able to make out a square house on top of a hill.
Beauty isn’t just in the eye of the beholder. Sometimes the beholder has to go out looking for beauty. When was the last time you stopped walking long enough to move closer to a moss covered log? When was the last time you stepped back from the enchantment of the closer view to see what was beyond?