We left off last week with Drew catching Miranda and Suzie in the kitchen while they were trying to sneak out. “Who are you supposed to be? Emma Peel?” Drew eyed Miranda’s outfit with mild interest. She looked like she was playing the part of a cat burglar. Not a real cat burglar. A real one wouldn’t wear patent leather. Too shiny. “This is the latest fashion down at the Cardinal.” “You’re going to a bar now?” Actually, she […]
Recap:Vin and Drew were investigating the public menace known as The Smashmaster when Joseph shot Vin. Then Joseph’s brother, Sean, tried to kidnap Suzie’s son, Ben. Both men have red hair. For a long time everyone thought they were one man. Drew saw Sean and Joseph at a neighbor’s house, and tried to arrest them. He managed to shoot them both, but they got away when Joseph hit Drew in the back of the head with a baseball bat […]
My mother has complained about the same factual mistakes in her Romance novel reading so many times that the last time she started to rant, I asked her to blog it for me. She did. Here it is: PET PEEVES IN NOVELS by Alice’s mother When I come across incorrect information in novels I’m reading, I want to throw the book against the wall. These frequently come down authors ignoring to the well known edit that authors should write about […]
In last week’s episode of Suzie’s House, Suzie decided to take on the case against the red headed men regardless of how Drew feels about it. Suzie tried to sneek out of the kitchen and down the hall, but heard Drew’s footsteps right behind her. She couldn’t let him follow, not for what she had in mind. “Aren’t you cook tonight,” she asked. Drew hesitated in the doorway. “Yes? So?” “It’s already 5:30. I don’t know what you plan […]
When we left off last week Ben had just left and the remaining members of the house were discussing the two red-headed men, trying to sort out which had done what to various members of the household. Suzie headed off to the kitchen, and Drew soon followed. Suzie pulled out the restaurant bowl – a stainless steal bowl nearly two feet wide from rim to rim. She didn’t even bother to get the recipe from the file. She had dumped […]
In last week’s episode of Suzie’s House, Christina, the CIA agent, pays a visit. While she’s there, Suzie calls Ben’s father to have him come take Ben permanently. Drew watched Vin watch Miranda as they sat in the living room waiting for Suzie. Poor Vin. He wanted so much from Miranda, who would give so little. They were both on the couch, but might as well be miles apart. “What do you think?” Drew asked as soon as the […]
Ben is moving out of the house. Miranda is afraid it will prove to be the beginning of the end of the little family she is trying to build. Drew has been injured. Vin is still recovering. And Cindy’s party only ended a few minutes ago. It’s been a busy day. “Hi. Are you Suzie? I’m…” Christina almost gave her real name. Then she caught herself. “….Christina. I was at the party next door.” She waved from the porch at […]
It’s been a while since we’ve had a look inside Miranda’s head, but she has her own take on what’s happening with Ben. Remember how she thought of the household as her personal creation, like a do it yourself family? Then things got a bit out of hand for her.“No!” Ben screamed at the top of his lungs. Miranda had never seen anything like it before. Ben just wasn’t the sort of kid who threw temper tantrums. Even when […]
Previously on Suzie’s House, Suzie said to her son, “Ben, you’re going to have to go live with your father for a while.” The scream built slowly. At first Ben could not think at all. He knew what his mother had said – that he would have to go live with his father – but the words refused to make sense. Once he overcame the thickness of his own head, he simply couldn’t believe it. Mom knew how he felt […]
Just when Ben and Suzie had arrived at an accord regarding Ben’s problems at school, Drew had to get hurt. While Suzie, Miranda, and Vin carried Drew into the house, Ben had a little talk with Alice. Yes, I mean me. I’ve made a couple of appearances in this story. Ben had been feeling pretty good about life. Things weren’t so good with his father, but he could live with it. Frankly, life in the house since Vin and Drew […]
When we left off last week, Sean and Joseph had barreled out of the house where Cindy lives. Drew nicked both of them with one shot before they slammed past him. They scooped up Ben, who was in the doorway, and tried to stuff him into their jeep. Drew punched out Sean, but Joseph hit him in the back of the head with a baseball bat. Ben watched Drew’s eyes roll back right before he hit the pavement. “Drew!” Ben […]
In last week’s episode of Suzie’s House, Sean, who had previously offered Ben a ride, crawled out onto the roof next to Cindy’s apartment to get Ben’s attention. Drew, who was standing next to Ben, pulled his gun and said “Halt! You’re under arrest!” Halt? Of all the idiotic things to say, why did that have to come out of his mouth? Drew put the gun away. He wasn’t about to shoot into the neighbor’s apartment, particularly when so many […]
As he stood by the front window of some stranger’s apartment, Sean wished his brother, Joe, would take a hike, preferably all the way back to Ireland. That’s where Joe belonged. “I’m only saying you should listen to me.” Joe grabbed Sean’s arm as he tried to leave the window in favor of following Christina’s luscious back side to the kitchen where conversation was bound to be better. Sean looked from his brother’s hand to his eyes as a hint […]
This is the episode that caused my little blockage problem a few weeks back. Conceptually it would have worked fine right after we met Joseph and Sean, but I couldn’t get over the feeling something was missing. Maybe more than one something. Apparently I tried to skip over too much. 😀 To my FanLit friends, I apologize for taking so many artistic liberties with your names. I huffed up the stairs, then took a half a minute […]
Previously in Suzie’s house Ben helped his mom set the table. Now they are sitting at the table for dinner, but it’s actually a few days later. I’d link you to the episode involving Vin and Miranda, but it was on the newsletter as it wasn’t quite PG13 rated. Everyone sat around the dining room table looking all stiff. Ben thought maybe they should be eating in the kitchen at the kitchen table like he and Mom did before everyone […]