Sometimes a cup of coffee is a real work of art. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Can’t you smell the cinnimon and hazlenut? Mmmmm… and I don’t even drink coffee! There’s a couple of bonus pictures, just for fun. To get a hard link from this post you have to both use the Mr. Linky thing and leave a comment. More Thursday Thirteen Participants Get the Thursday Thirteen code here! […]
It was suggested last week that I might be dwelling on the negative about my writing. I don’t see it that way. A mistake is just a mistake. So long as I fix it, who cares if I messed up? No one but me needs to see my rough drafts. Well, except for Suzie’s House, but we aren’t going there. Right? So anyway, here’s a list of positive things about my writing. 1. Even when it’s torture, I still enjoy […]
Maura asked on Romance Roundtable if you could have five parallel lives and a different career in each what careers would you pick. I’m picking 13:1. Writer. Of course. I’m going with Accountant as my real-life career, for now. 2. Movie actress. 3. Singer in a Rock band. 4. African drummer. What? I have to get paid? Ok, famous African drummer. What do you mean there aren’t any rich and famous African style drummers? It’s my alternate reality and I […]
1. I don’t care about the blog 2. The floor tilts when I walk 3. I pant when I try to go to the bathroom 4. My throat hurts to much to swallow water 5. I can’t decide if I’m going to throw up or if I’m hungry 6. The boy volunteers to get things for me 7. I don’t recognize my mirror reflection 8. I’m too tired to roll over 9 The wrinkles in my sheet leave and imprint […]
I had a little falling out with my local video store (Crazy Mike’s) when the refused to give me credit for an overdue charge I had already paid. The result was that I thought I’d give Netflix a try. 1. Netflix has dang near everything! I have found things in their inventory I didn’t know existed. 2. It takes three days from when I send a DVD back until I get the next one. Minimum. Longer if I send it Friday […]
I tried a different technique on the book I just finished writing. I started with a detailed outline on a spreadsheet that included GMC for hero and heroine, plot, subplot, POV notes, and emotional arcs for each scene. I was hoping to cut down on plot holes and revisions. Here’s what I discovered. 1. For the way I write, 67 scenes is way too many for a 90,000 word book. I ended up ditching or condensing about 1/3 of […]
1. In a fancy restaurant with lace table cloths, candles and flowers – much like Alice’s Restaurant. What? They don’t offer banana smoothies and burlap at fancy restaurants? Humph. 2. In a blog. Hey, it could happen. Hint, hint, Mr. Al. *furiously batting eyes at dear hubby.* Oh never mind. He only ever reads the blog to answer questions from his history thing on Wednesdays. 3. On a hillside overlooking town. But maybe not in February when you […]
Last week I promised certain dog owners I would do a TT on dogs with week. Here it is: Things to do with your beloved dog. 1. Get really close to his face and talk baby talk until he wiggles, and whines. Then, just before he breaks and licks your face, give him a pat and straighten up. 2. Spend six months raising and training him so he will heel without a leash, then turn him over to your grandmother […]
1 – Put him in a sink and take pictures. 2 – Put him in front of a Gerbil cage and take pictures. 3 – Dangle a string in front of him and take pictures. 4 – Forget the camera and dangle a string in front of him. Really get him going so his ears are up, his claws are out, and he’s jumping all over the place, then wish you hadn’t put the camera down. 5 – Feed him […]
I got my first pair of bifocal glasses recently. They are taking a bit of getting used to. So this is a quick list of what I like and don’t like about them. 1. The ground at my feet is no longer clear so I don’t always notice the marbles my dd leaves scattered on the floor. Yes, I could tip my head way down, but why bother for every step? What? Did you say something about marbles? 2. When […]