I generally make an effort to go visit and comment on the blog of anyone who leaves a comment on mine, whether it’s for a meme or not. It seems to me that’s just good manners. Now and then I don’t, which bothers me because I feel so rude. So this is my list of excuses. 1. You never left a comment. Ever. Yeah, I’m talking to you, Nancy. Either quit telling me to visit yours, or start visiting mine. […]
1. Jane Austin Action figures 2. My digital camera. 3. Bendies 4. Paperback novels 5. Mechanical pencils 6. The little letter icon I click to get my email 7. Half-size lined paper for my writing log 8. My wrist brace 9. Solar powered, hand-held calculators 10. Cell phones. After all those years saying I’d never get one. 11. Car keys 12. Thin Mints 13. My driver’s license In order to get the permalink from this post you must both put […]
1 – Their “news” articles are mostly trivia. 2 – Often the links to news articles are really just links to more ads or to fluff pieces that have nothing to do with the question in their headlines. 3 – I can’t easily get rid of their news screen. When I click the X button in the corner the sucker bounces back in the form of a menu. When I click on the X button on the menu it comes […]
1. carrot 2. diet 3. hungry 4. work 5. 4.867 6. slow! 7. snowflake? 8. no. 9. chat? 10. distraction 11. deadline? 12. maybe. 13. So get off your butt and write already! Oops. Mr. Al said I cheated with a phrase instead of a word, but he loves me anyway. In order to get the permalink from this post you must both put your URL in the Mr. Linky thing and leave a comment. Sorry I’ve been so slow […]
A while back I did the Thursday Thirteen in which I googled “Alice needs.” It was a list with a lot of animals looking for good homes. This time I googled “Alice would rather.” I think I like this one better. 1. 4 year old alice would rather read a ridiculously long book then go to bed. … 2. Alice would rather have like to play the game some more (she was beginning to feel that she was getting the […]
1. When someone I didn’t know all that well broke out her vacuum right in front of me to clean a carpet that looked pristine. She later turned out to have a psychological disorder involving cleaning things. 2. When a close friend did exactly the same thing not long afterword. I told her she was scaring me. She grinned. 3. When, being the most sober of the bunch, I agreed to drive the car of an acquaintance from one resort […]
I felt Haloweenie, but not costume like or anything. So here are thirteen pictures from emails I have received that made me go “Yikes!” More Thursday Thirteen participants Thursday Thirteen’s home page
1. A ghost coming out of the toilet? What the heck is the boy watching on TV right now? 2. Didn’t I have something else in mind for Thursday Thirteen this week? 3. What was it? 4. I wish I’d gotten more than three hours of sleep last night. 5. Should I really be posting in this condition? 6. Sure am glad I don’t have to drive 50 miles tonight after all. 7. Maybe I should check what equipment the […]
These are the last thirteen words out of my husband’s mouth as of a minute ago: 1. Now 2. that 3. (the boy) 4. is 5. home 6. maybe 7. I 8. can 9. turn 10. my 11. cell 12. phone 13. off. This from the man who used to make fun of people who went around with cell phones. Changing his tune? Nah. In order to get the permalink from this post you must both put your URL in […]
1. Into the Night by Suzanne Brockmann: “Do you have a girlfriend?” she heard herself ask instead and was instantly horrified at herself. What did she care beyond basic curiosity? 2. Every Breath She Takes by Suzanne Forster After explaining that the heroine is a women’s self defense expert having a bad day. “Stay right there!” she shouted, holding him off with the spray while she got out of her car. She knelt to confiscate what she expected to […]
I tend to be a little proprietary where it comes to my Thursday Thirteen banners (sorry Jan) because I make them myself. You’ll notice I normally but my web site on them. This time I made a bunch specifically with sharing them in mind. The way this works, for those who haven’t done it before, is you left click on the picture, chose Save Picture As to copy it to your computer, upload it to a place like Photobucket or […]
I got this one from Double Decker Busses I Googled “Alice needs” and this is what I got: 1. Alice needs only one wheatgrass shake, some positive thinking, a crash course in California lingo and a … (I do?) 2. Alice needs a new true love. (Mr. Al and I beg to differ.) 3. Alice needs a loving home (Cihangir). Reply to: comm-780964045@craigslist.org Date: 2008-08-03, 8:51AM EEST. Alice is a 5 month old kitten 4. Alice Needs To Learn The […]
These are all things my teenager and nearly teenager have said to or near me in the last few months. 1 – You’re taking pictures of me? Not now, Mom. Book Cover Lad has to go to school. – ds 2 – You know what’s really, really cool about when I get wet? I can just rub the pimples off. -ds 3 – Here. For your birthday. (Hands over an empty envelope.) I meant to put something in it – […]
1. Qwest couldn’t find “the box.” 2. Which means no phone. 3. Which means no dial up. 4. I wanted high-speed anyway. 5. Good bye Qwest! 6. The cable company doesn’t come in until Sept. 4th. 7. Yikes! 8. Hello library! 9. The library doesn’t like my uploads. 10. Hello cyber cafe! 11. There is no cyber café? In all of town? Yikes! 12. Hey wait. Sept 4th? Isn’t that today? 13. Yay! Hi everyone!!! TT Home Page Get the […]
1. It isn’t easy to go from 2,500 square feet to 1,120 square feet. 2. When I run the dishwasher, soapy water backs into the sink. 3. When I run the laundry, poop backs into the tubs. 4. The neighbors are only a few feet away where they used to be yards away. 5. Good thing I like my neighbors. 6. Garbage collection is included in the lot rental. Yay! 7. I feel more self conscious about what I put […]