My family and I went riding on ATVs for the first time on Tuesday. Mr. Al, being of the hiking and cross country bicycle persuasion, tends to say nasty things about ATVs and those who ride them, but I tried to approach this with an open mind. Here’s what I learned. 1. ATV’s are fun!!!! 2. If you can do your first time out with a tour group like MotoSol, then you will be miles ahead. 3. MotoSol did things […]
It’s been one heck of a week. I managed to go no where fast in a whole bunch of different ways. 1. I moved my web site. I moved my blog to my domain, ditched my old web site, and ditched my old host all in one fell swoop. 2. I learned how to turn a blog into an entire web site with multiple pages and everything. 3. I broke a bunch of links. Seriously, by the time I was […]
I’ve spent the day like one of those new swimmers on the high dive. I run to the end, look down, down, down at the deep water, and backpedal fast. Over and over. If anyone could see me, they’d be yelling and jeering because I’m taking up other people’s turns being scared. All because I’m trying to move my blog. So this list is really a run-down of my day. 1. I hope this will turn out like when you […]
I’m still getting used to Twitter. There are these hash tag things over there. You put in a # and then the name of a group or topic, and your tweet gets included with anyone else tweeting on the topic or to the group. To access them you search for that # and name. There’s probably a better way, but I haven’t figured it out yet. Anyway, I bumped into the hash tab #haveyouever, and this is what I found. […]
1. My son graduated from middle school to high school. 2. I attended the graduation ceremony. 3. He never once stood still in his cap and gown long enough for me to get a picture. There I was, chasing after him with my dh’s new video camera, but the best I got was a shot of the back of his head. 4. My dd went on summer vacation too. 5. The kids are fighting over who gets to talk to […]
It’s been a while since I’ve shown you my desk. There have been a few changes. For instance, I didn’t bother to clean for you this time. 🙂 For another, I’m going to let you guess what goes with what. 1. Pin cushion. Easy one, eh? 2. Drink. I’m surprised there’s only one. 3. Vitamin E. Should be some other vitimins floating around, but I don’t see them at the moment. 4. Junk. 5. Sunscreen which I transfered into a […]
One of the games I really enjoy is done in the FanLit Forever board. It’s a word association game. Only, we don’t stick to words alone. We also do concepts. I thought I’d give it a try here. Thirteen “words” off the top of my head. 1. Plant 2. Renew 3. Revise 4. Hard work 5. Don’t be afraid 6. to waste time 7. yard waste 8. yard stick 9. branch 10. Davidian 11. Goliath 12. Cyclopes 13. Third eye […]
As I compose this list I am on pain meds for a bad back. So these are probably all very stupid questions. Still, I want to know. 1. Do you ever snore so loud you wake yourself up? 2. What do you do when you have more furniture than floor space? 3. Do you get weird aches and pains? 4. If so, what do you do about them? 5. Have you ever gone to the hospital and they found nothing […]
Seems like every time I want to take a scenic picture there’s a telephone poles in the way. Well, fine then. I’ll take pictures of telephone poles. These have all the fun comments in pop ups. Hover over the pictures and hopefully you will see words. In order to get the permalink from this post you must both put your URL in the Mr. Linky thing and leave a comment More Thursday Thirteen participants can be found here And here. […]
This is a poem in 13 lines, inspired by The Walking Man among other things. 1. The universe 2. comes leaping from an ashtray; intact, bountiful, wedged 3. between metered lines. 4. From politics to silly tricks 5. the mind 6. runs around the world while leaving behind 7. aging, slovenly bones. 8. Outside, 9. the real is distanced 10. by the search for groceries, children, the mail. 11. Square kilometers force time and boredom. 12. Inside 13. a modem […]
Shelley Munro had a Grateful-For type T13 a while back that got me thinking. At the top of her list was hot and cold running water. It struck me hard because I have a kind of weird relationship with water. Let me tell you about it. 1. I grew up in the Rocky Mountains, for the most part. There are precious few places between Texas (the Western end) and Montana that aren’t simi-arid, if not desert. People who grow up […]
I got all of these out of my closet today. One of them is over 20 years old. One I made last fall. 1. This is the oldest. When I first made it I was proud because I was experimenting with making a skirt without using a pattern. Now it makes me feel like I’m in the circus. I use it as a slip. 2. My first experiment with combining pleats and gathers. One of my favorite, but it isn’t […]
I sew. What you see above is a crazy memory quilt I made from the scraps of different projects. I tried to have only one piece from each project, but there are a few duplicates. This is what I made with the rest of the material. 1. A nightgown and pajama bottoms for The Girl. She tends to wear them together and look like she’s from India. 2. A leotard for The Girl. She wore it once, said it was […]
This week’s featured T13 post: Paige Tylerposted some fantastic Easter eggs. If you’ve checked out my blog on days other than Thursday, then you know I post certain things each day of the week. For instance, every Wednesday my husband gives us a cock-eyed view of history. Every Friday I post an episode of a story about an FBI agent, an ad executive, and a private investigator living in a boarding house. Every Sunday I post a How To piece, […]
My pick of last week’s T13’s is Angel’s list of what she would say to her teenage self. In case you didn’t see my notice in my comment last week, I’ve been having a lot of trouble with Blogger lately. There are some blogs that won’t let me comment at all. There seems to be a pattern to it, but Im not sure what it is yet, just that a pop up captcha does it every time. If I can’t […]