Categotry Archives: Thursday Thirteen

13 Pieces of Fabric

I’m signed up for Blogmania, which is this big blog festival thingy that’s happening in September. For more info on it, click on the big, pink button on the sidebar to the right. Scroll down a little. A little more. There you go. You’re supposed to give valuable prizes. For my big one, I picked a quilt. Thing is, it isn’t made yet. That means I have until the beginning of September to get it done. The race is on! […]


13 Words, more or less

This is pure word association. 1. Association 2. game 3. chess 4. queen 5. beauty 6. sunset 7. golden 8. years 9. time 10. flies 11. mosquitoes 12. smack! 13. ouch Check out my Association Meme. You could win a sliver ingot.


13 Books

1 Wilderness Girl by Cate Masters About a wild, camping-oriented sexual encounter. I’m still reading this one. It’s an ebook that got caught in my computer melt downs. I quoted too much from it here. 2 Practice makes Perfect by Julie James Lawyers in love. Fun read. I quoted from it here and here. 3 The Blue Zone by Andrew Gross Woman flees just about everyone. Didn’t finish. Seemed like it should by my thing, but wasn’t. 4 Spring Collection […]


13 Non-Words

More Capcha fun. These are all taken from those thingies you have to fill in on some blogs to tell the program you are a human. 1. alone – something not to get from a shark. What? You mean it’s a real word? Oh. 2. spers – that cowboy sure likes his spers. 3. bignest – like what an ostrich would need, or the multiple-marriage thing? 4. pantsles – to be half necked. 5. littersee – good at reading. That […]


13 Characters

Kimberly Menozzi did this a few weeks ago. I said at the time I was tempted to do it, too, but hadn’t gotten around to it. Honestly, sometimes I take forever. This is a list of characters from books I’ve written. 1. Daimik: From a Fantasy book I never finished and never will. He was found in the woods by a cruel and petty wizard who “adopted” him with the intention of training him to do dangerous work. Daimik accidentally […]


13 Places I Have Found Stray Socks

The kids get mad at me when I don’t keep their socks washed, then go and stuff them in the weirdest place. I have found them in: 1. In the very tip of a shoe. The shoe did not belong to the same person as the sock. 2. Scattered around the living room. 3. The Girl had a huge pile of them under her bed. 4. Under my bed. No matter how many times I tell the kids not to […]


13 Nettiquette Observations

Nessa is doing a meme on nettiquette. I’m going to do a little combination thing with both Nessa’s meme and TT. I took my socks thing down, and will put it up again next week. Sorry. 1. I have little tolerance for really confusing sites. Those “magazine” style ones particularly send me for loops. There are even a couple of bloggers I like whom I never visit anymore because their sites became so convoluted that even multiple visits left me […]


13 Previous 13s

I went to dig up an old post for reference and noticed that I managed to write a few entertaining lists of 13 over the years. Here are 13 of my favorite. 1. 13 Reactions This is the one that announced the publication of Moving In. Mostly it just says “squeee.” 2. 13 More Pictures of Africa These are great pictures of Cape Town, Victoria Falls, etc. 3. A 13 Part Tour of the ShapeShifter World I stole from Susan […]


13 Things to do on St. Patrick’s

1. Pinch someone. 2. Get pinched. 3. Argue over shades of green. 4. Argue over whether or not pinching should be done at all. 5. Agree to let the whole thing drop. 6. Offer green beer. 7. Slip laxative into said beer. 8. Refuse to take a sip first. 9. Take a shower to wash laxative filled green beer from hair. 10. Offer leprechaun gold. 11. Unwrap it and eat the chocolate inside to prove it’s real, and not Ex-lax. […]


13 Memes I Have Taken Part In

I love memes. They are like being part of a party. You get visitors, and go visiting, and don’t have to worry about how you are received. Here are 13 I’ve done. 1. Thursday Thirteen. I assume no explanation is needed. 2. Fiction Friday 55 – Write a story in 55 words. 3. PhotoHunt – Done on Saturday, you post a photo that matches their one word description. 4. Simply Delicious Sunday – post a recipe 5. Yummy Sunday – […]


13 Video Games

Taken at random from my shelf. Some of these I wonder why we still have, some I wish had never made their way into the house, and some I play. Sassy Brit Novel 1st Lines Part 4!! Paige Tyler Emily/Randomability In order to get the permalink from this post you must both put your URL in the Mr. Linky thing and leave a comment The hub is here As always, I welcome the link to your Thursday Thirteen in my […]


13 Pieces to a Puzzle

If you mentally re-arrange these images and put them all together you get a picture that was taken from a post that I posted in the last two weeks. Can you guess which post? Extra points if you can guess the person depicted. In order to get the permalink from this post you must both put your URL in the Mr. Linky thing and leave a comment The hub is here As always, I welcome the link to your Thursday […]


13 of This and That.

Just stuff on my mind this week. 1. To those who have been reading Suzie’s House this week, thank you! I get a major kick out of seeing new readers. Old readers, too. Heck, any readers at all thrill me. 2. Dr. John died. At least that’s what Nessa says, and I trust her to know. I have been following his Pigeon Falls stories since I first became aware of them. He was a frequent and welcome visitor here. I’m […]


13 Ways to Tell He Loves You

1. He thinks your extra weight looks good on you. 2. When you totally lose your cool and spend half an hour ranting about the idiot neighbors who don’t know how to take care of their dog, all he does is smile and nod before pointing out they don’t know how to park either. 3. He does the dishes without your having to say a thing. 4. Though he grumbles, he will walk miles to fetch something for you just […]


13 Reactions

February 3rd 2010. I have GOT to remember that date. It was/is the day I graduated from the ranks of the want-to-be-s into the ranks of published authors. It’s publication day for Moving In. How am I feeling? 1. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2. Well. It’s about time! 3. Oh no. What if no one is interested? 4. Silly. I know at least a few people are interested. Haven’t they been telling me so all month? 5. Oh no. Now I have to […]
