Categotry Archives: Thursday Thirteen

13 Words (It’s a Secret)

1. Did 2. you 3. notice 4. that 5. I 6. am 7. not 8. here 9. right 10. now? 11. I’m 12. in 13. Wisconsin I’m be much more proactive about visiting your blogs when I get back to my desktop.


13 Settings in Photo Form

Setting can have such an impact on a story. The way a scene involving a couple walking hand in hand reads when they are on the beach is radically different than when they are struggling over sand dunes. Sometimes I find it a challenge to keep a setting in mind. That’s when pictures come in handy. Can you imagine how different a scene might play out in each of these settings?


13 Books I’m Giving Away

A lot of people have contributed to my Crazy Love Blogmania giveaway. If any of these interest you, click on the Welcome tab (on the left just under my banner) 1. From Ann Pino Maelstrom 2. My Funny Valentine From Harris Channing 3. From Susan Helene GottfriedTrevor’s Song 4. From Leigh D’AnseyKincaid’s Call 5. From Ilona Fridl Silver Screen Hero 6. Alice Audrey (That’s me) I’ll be giving away several copies ofMoving In 7. From Beth TrisselSomewhere My Lass 8. […]


A Random 13

I’m in the mood for a word association thing. 1. Hot 2. humid 3. watermelon (Just got a good one. The Girl is getting good at picking them out) 4. seed spitting contest 5. book contest 6. last chance at Packing Heat 7. fun reads 8. friends 9. blog 10. hop 11. on one foot 12. limp 13. biscuit Totally Random Picture:


13 Signs of Summer

Totally Random Picture: You know it’s Summer When: 1. Listening to the neighbor’s dog take a dump is more comfortable than closing the window and letting the temperature climb. 2. You accidentally memorize the names of all the pets and children within yelling range. 3. You learn the musical preferences of everyone who drives past. 4. You don’t think twice about sharing your musical preferences as you drive. Unless the car’s AC works better than rolling down the window. 5. […]


13 Happy Things

Hey, I’m in the mood. 1. It’s been a cool summer here in Montana. Only in the last few weeks have we sweltered. 2. I took my fancy new camera to the 4th of July celebration in town and got these shots. It was my first attempt at night photography with this camera. Considering I’m still learning, I thought they came out pretty good. 3. Cold, crisp watermelon in the afternoon. Yum. 4. My new cell phone is great. It […]


My Week in 13 Parts

It may not have looked it, but I was actually very busy this week. 1. I learned how to uninstall and reinstall WordPress for those occasions when I totally mess it up. This was mostly a matter of overcoming my own fears. No big deal, really. 2. I created my Blogmania front page and set it up. If you click on the Welcome tab up there at the top you’ll see it. 3. I realized I was dumb enough to […]


13 Changes

It’s been just over a year since I moved my blog from to, and just under 4 years since I started blogging. Much has changed in that time. Here are some that I have done, and some I am anticipating: 1. I learned a little bit of HTML. When I first started, I was afraid of pictures. 2. I learned a teeny-tiny bit of CMS (Content Management System – another blog programming thing). I was originally afraid of […]


13 pictures that have been on my home page

I moved into this web site about this time of year last year. At that point I was doing good to have just the blog up and running. I’ve learned a bit since then and have branched out a bit. For instance, I now have what they call a “static front page” on my site. I change out the material on it now and then. Here is some of what’s been there. 1. What I gave Mr. Al for Valentines […]


13 Spam Comments

How can I tell that no human actually read my post before the bot tried to leave a spam comment? By the nature of the spam. For instance: 1. “Searching for this for some time now – i guess luck is more advanced than search engines :)” by mafia wars how to hide showed up on Ah Maria, How Can He Measure Up?, and Suzie’s House 123: No Good Deed with the exact same wording on both. 2. “Thank you […]


13 Flashers

There are some seriously cool people doing Flash Fiction these days. By Flash I mean the really short stuff people post on their blogs. Here are 13 I swiped from:


13 Thursday Thirteeners

1. Inez Kelley and Elise Logan of Chicks n Scratching Naughty Romance authors with a taste for vintage. 2. Emily Ryan Davis and Elise Logan of Scorched Sheets Who actually know about Motley Fool, the financial annalist. Fine, I’ll admit they are really more about hot men. 3. Colleen A writer who does the most entertaining research. 4. Country Dew A Virginian whose posts and pictures often bring local flavor to my world. 5. Anthony North A Brit with a […]


13 Divas

Check out some great romance writers I know. (Listed in totally random order) 1. Jennifer Leeland My favorite redneck writer. 2. Kimberly Menozzi An Italian (Hey, you live there now. It counts) with an eye for man candy and cycling. 3. Tatiana Caldwell A sister to my anime heart. 4. A. Catherine Noon A fellow seamstress and world builder. 5. Paige Tyler The queen of spanking. 6. Darla M. Sands who has strange tastes in shoes and music. 7. Shelley […]


13 Shiny Silver Things in my House

1. Straight pins. They’re getting quite a work out right now, so are shinned up naturally as I take them out and put them in the pin cushion. 2. My iron. Ok, not so shiny, but still kind of silvery. 3. a spoon 4. Quarters. Did you get one of the Northern Mariana Islands ones? 5. The buttons on my old camera 6. Batteries. We use rechargeable. They’re also getting quite a work out. 7. Nail clipper 8. Origami helmet. […]


13 Places to Sleep

I’ve been running at half-mast all week long due to a cold. Seems like I’m tired and spacy all the time. Here are places – recent, remembered, or just dreamed up, I’m not always sure which – in which to discover I have fallen asleep. 1. Bed, of course. 2. The most comfortable chair in the house – a nice, over-stuffed recliner. 3. The least comfortable chair in the house – a wooden bar stool. 4. Slumped over the keyboard […]
