A while back the kids and I played a game in which I would find a word in the dictionary and they would try to define it. Not only did they impress the whole family with their vocabulary, we all learned a few more words, and what they learned stuck. 1. Dirge (This one actually came up on a test over a year later, and was remembered from the game. It was an English class, rather than Music, though.) 2. […]
Yeah, I’m desperate for a list. How’d you know? 1. chap-stick 2. Vaseline 3. Converter for camera tripod 4. eraser 5. flash drive 6. coins 7. lots and lots of mechanical pencils 8. even more pens 9. bottle of water 10. sewing machine needles 11. checkbook 12. dental floss
How many of you have a hodge-podge of utensils in your drawer? Seems I never outgrew “College Chic”. There are a few repeats, but most of my spoons came from second hand stores. Spoons, knives, forks – they are all mixed up from a wide variety of sets ranging from those cheap camping spoons with the yellow handles to silver silverware. Now and then I think I should actually break down and get a set, but I’m happy with these.
Last Spring I promised my kid’s I’d open an Etsy store. A couple of weeks ago I finally got around to it. We’re selling hemp necklaces and paper cranes. Wanna see? Well, those are some of the earrings anyway. If you’d like to get a better look or want to enter my contest, you can check out my Etsy store here.
I love Thursday Thirteen. It gives me a chance to goof off because it’s such an open format. Unluckily, sometimes I have a hard time coming up with something. Self-censorship, maybe? Here are thirteen that you won’t be seeing here. 1. 13 places to apply Vaseline. 2. 13 artistic boogers 3. 13 dirty words 4. 13 of my most embarrassing moments 5. 13 pictures of anatomically correct dolls in action 6. 13 of the worse Demotivational posters 7. 13 gory […]
I’m feeling a bit random today, so off the top of my head, 13 things having to do with the word “bill.” 1. Duck bill 2. Dollar bill 3. Bill the Cat 4. Top billing 5. Bill collectors 6. Bill-ding (sp? 🙂 ) 7. Billionaire 8. Bill board 9. A-bill (and willing) 10. Agree a-bill 11. Billiards 12. Billable hours 13. William
You all don’t take me seriously when I tell you that the cats are just awful for poop. I’ve had a lot of cats in my home over my lifetime. When it comes to the litter box, these are the worst. Yes, I’ve used the odor stopper stuff from the pet store and everything. Still… Here are some of the place where we have found their poop: 1. Under the piano 2. Behind the TV 3. In the bathtub 4. […]
I just saw something like this at Peppylady’s blog and couldn’t resist giving it a try. Here are my predictions for the coming year. 1. Someone somewhere is going to starve. Too obvious? Ok, it’ll be someone in the USA that makes the national news. 2. There will be some unpleasantly record-breaking weather. 3. A hurricane will reach into some part of the Midwest. Maybe not Kansas, but at least Illinois. 4. Someone will invent or bring everyone’s attention to […]
1. 2. see more Lolcats and funny pictures, and check out our Socially Awkward Penguin lolz!
1. Today (Wednesday, actually, as I type this) is the last day of NaNo. Yay!
These are all songs I listened to while writing my NaNo book. Yep, I’m still at it. 1. Not Strong Enough by Apocalyptica