Categotry Archives: Thursday Thirteen

13 Songstresses I Like



13 Random Words

Straight off the top of my sleep deprived head: 1.   Ice cream 2.  Paper 3.  Number 4.  Embroidery 5.  Celtic 6.  Pinch 7.  Chair 8.  toothbrush 9.  Photoshop 10.  read 11.  porch 12.  paint 13.  Belize    


13 eButtons

Last week I did 13 regular buttons. This week I’m doing the kind of buttons you put in a blog. Click on any of them, and they will take you somewhere. 1.


13 Buttons

I buy buttons by the ounce. That way when I reach for buttons, I already have a supply to choose from. I got a new package of mixed buttons this week. Here are 13 of them.


13 Shades of Embroidery Floss

It’s been many, many years since I’ve done any embroidery. I started this project recently because I wanted something I could do that would make me feel productive when I was sitting around talking with my kids or watching TV with them. I’m making decorative patches to go on old canvas shopping bags. So far, I have used exactly 13 colors on them. 4 shades of green, 3 shades of white, 2 shades each of pink and yellow, and 1 […]


13 Chocolate Syrup Smiley Faces

This was The Girl’s idea. We were sitting at the dinning table talking about this and that when I mentioned I didn’t have any good ideas for Thursday Thirteen. She said I should do 13 smiley faces in barbeque sauce. I liked the sound of that, and said she should go ahead and do that. But when she went to do it, she changed her mind and said she’d rather do it in chocolate sauce. So, here it is. The […]


13 Stupid Things the Cats Have Done

1. Diana is entirely too cheeky. She knows she isn’t supposed to get on the tables or counters, but she always acts affronted when we make her get down. 2. Climbed into the bottom drawer of the stove. 3. Sit in plant pots with no concern for the plants already there. 4. Cried for attention while on top of a tall book case. 5. She’s bumped her head into the wall while chasing a laser pointer beam. 6. She’s also […]


13 Really Weird Instruments

Some of my musical instruments are a little different than you normally run into. For instance, but Bull Roar caught Country Dew‘s attention. She left a link to a video showing a bunch of them playing. This lead me to some other interesting instruments. 1.


13 Bands New to Me

People keep introducing me to new music. It’s been quite an education for me this year. 1. Novroz introduced me to LArc~en~Ciel. You can learn a lot more about them from Novroz


13 Things in my Refrigerator

1. Milk. We go through a lot. 2. Tofu. Yes, I actually like the stuff. 3. Apples 4. Oranges 5. Cheese 6. Lettuce 7. Celery. Right now we have some sticks prepared for Ants on a Log. More likely to get eaten that way. 8. Cabbage. 9. Butter. 10. Eggs. 11. Broccoli. I have some florets cut up ready for dip, and some stalks cut up ready to go in sushi. 12. Udon noodles. Yeah, this one’s totally random. 13. […]


13 Musical Instruments in My House

Drums 1. Conga 2. Ashiko 3. Dumbek 4. Frame Drum 5. Taktak Other percussion 6. Shekare 7. Gong 8. Maracas Stringed Instruments 9. Piano 10. Kemchi 11. Psaltery 12. Uru 13. Bull Roar I’m counting the bull roar as a string instrument because it won’t work without the string, but rather than being plucked or rubbed with a bow, to make it sound, you swing it around in a big circle. Not an indoor instrument. BTW, I’m still working on […]


13 Games I’m NOT Playing, much as I would like to

A month ago I still have the luxury of time to occasionally play video games. Now that Tax Season is underway, that time is gone. Here are 13 I might be plying right this minute if I could spare the time. 1. Spyro; Ripto’s Rage 2. Saga Frontier 2 3. Dragon Quest VIII 4. Antigrav 5. Dark Cloud 6. Final Fantasy X-2 7. Final Fantasy IX 8. Grandia 9. Azure Dreams 10. The Legend of Dragoon 11. Final Fantasy XII […]


A Random 13

1. I’m late with this post and have no good ideas for it and don’t feel like talking about my perpetually cluttered desk, so I’m going with the Off-the-top-of-my-head thing. 2. Why is it that my head is full of thought most of the time, but when I try to gab on to something specific it slips away like oily water? 3. Does that mean I’m dirty minded? 4. They say you reflect your environment. 5. Maybe, if I want […]


13 from the Youtube Click Game

Having the first video on my blog was too tempting. I ended up clicking. 1.


13 filtered words and phrases

13 Words and phrases I’m tired of seeing in the machine-generated “comments” that hit my filters: 1. Article. I don’t write articles. I write all kinds of junk – most of it fiction – and post it here. Even my “How to” things rarely qualify as articles. 2. Helpful. Yes, I manage to be that sometimes, but never on the posts this word is applied to. Really, Suzie’s House is helpful? Or a poem about vampires? Or a picture of […]
