1. Write. I’ve been doing a 100 words per day for 100 days challenge. I’ve got five weeks to go. It doesn’t sound like much, but sitting down to write some fiction every single day for 100 days can be a challenge.
1. plates 2. More plates 3. Mac and Cheese 4. A big jar of cereal 5. Flour 6. Dried Beans 7. Baking soda 8. Cookies 9. Pasta 10. Casserole pans 11. Pot lids 12. Grits 13. Sugar
1. I spent yesterday (Wednesday) carpet cleaning. 2. That’s a lie. I hired my son to do it, then helped him with it. 3. Even though I didn’t do the worst of it, my hands hurt from gripping. 4. There are three area rugs I’d love to do before returning the machine, but there’s no way I could clear them off enough to make it worth the effort before my 24 hours are up. 5. Mr. Al is feeling under […]
While going through her latest crop of vacation photos, my mother the glob trotter complained that she had too many pictures of animal butts. So of course I told her to send me copies. 🙂 Here are thirteen of the best. 1.
Who, me short on ideas for lists? What gives you that idea? 1. Random 2. Drawing 3. Art 4. Guy 5. Gal 6. Herself 7. Reflexive 8. Mirror 9. Lake 10. Excalibur 11. Sword 12. Play 13. Theater Whewh! I made it. 🙂
I recently completed my first commissioned web site. I used the installed version of WordPress and the Atahaulpa theme to create the entire site to her specifications. Cool, eh? Here are 13 steps and/or observations about the process. 1. Decide if WordPress is going to work. Although there are still some elements I don’t know how to handle, I’m starting to think you can do just about anything with WordPress that you can do with any other site building software. […]
I could swear this is what they sang, but I guess not. 1. ET by Katy Perry I could swear: “Treacherous-trial” What they say: “Extra terrestrial”
It’s been over a year since I’ve done one of these, and things have changed. Can you tell they are both teenagers now? 1. The Boy: They both knit, both wear suspenders and big rimmed glasses. The difference between Hipsters and Old folks is that the old folks call them the good old days and Hipsters call them retro. 2. The Boy texting with an ADHD friend who is in a car on a long distance trip and going nuts: […]
As I mentioned on Monday, our vacation included a day at Craters of the Moon National Park. 1. The area starts off with some routine Western grandeur. If you didn’t know there was a lava field in the area, you’d never guess it.
1. Cabo San Lucas is at the southern end of the Baja peninsula in Mexico. It’s got the Pacific on one side and a few miles away a huge bay on the other. You’d think it would be tropical. But no. It’s desert. Palm trees, cactus, and lots of dry dirt.
As some of you have noticed, I’ve been away. I went on vacation for a couple of weeks. 1. I had intended to at least have a post up every day. In the past I’ve set up posts ahead of time and/or been able to do posts from various hot spots. I’ve posted from libraries several times. No such luck this time. 2. I intended to post pictures. Most of the time I don’t get the pictures set up until […]
1. toothbrush 2. shampoo 3. quart sized ziplock baggy 4. laptop 5. camera 6. swimsuit 7. backup swimsuit 8. nice dress 9. beach shoes 10. passport 11. itinerary 12. undies 13. glasses cleaning cloth Who me, going somewhere? 😀