1.We started off on the Excalibur Gondola to Blackcomb, which is on the most southern part of Whistler Village. Notice that the gondola accommodated bicycles as well as people.
1. Whistler is a singularly unnatural town. This is particularly ironic considering how much it caters to nature enthusiasts. Like many cities in the Pacific Northwest, the thick vegetation tends to hide everything. This walking bridge is right in the middle of town.
For some of these it might be like playing hide and seek, but bear with me. 1. By the end of the trip we’d seen so many of these it became a joke.
1. There’s a tour that will let you walk on the Athabasca Glacier in the Columbia Icefield, which is about an hour and a half’s drive North of Banff.
I just got back from a road trip through Canada. Here are some of the off-hand comments made while there: 1. Watch out for the bicycle. No, not that one. Or that one. Oh, never mind. 2. What’s the difference between a road sign with a horse and a road sign with a horse being ridden? 3. Slow Down! It’s supposed to be 80 KILOMETERS per hour, not miles. 4. But everyone around us is going faster! 5. Merge left! […]
Guess who didn’t have a list this week. Since The Girl is hanging out behind me, I made her come with with some words. These are all off the top of her head, with her related comments in parentheses. 1. Prestidigitation 2. Ambiance 3. Inconvenience 4. Gentility 5. Absurdity (just like this) 6. Okay (I’m not a word machine, Mom. Jeeezzz) 7. Paranormal 8. Grave 9. Parallel 10. Conspicuous 11. Necessary 12. silhouette 13. (Swear word. No, don’t put that. […]
I moved all the pretty awards off my sidebar last weekend. I think they are great, but their time has past. It made me nostalgic. So I came up with my own award. To those of you on my list who just flinched, relax. This is not a guilt or effort inducing award. You are not suppose to pass it along, or answer questions, or blog about it, or anything else. It’s just a shout out to my homies. To […]
I make a tradition of doing a bad job of taking photos of fireworks on the fourth of July. I keep hoping some year I’ll get it right. Here’s this year’s haul: 1.
The Girl is such a teenager. She insisted on giving me flack. And guff. She wanted to give me some grief, too, but managed to restrain herself. I don’t think she intended to give me exactly 13 of them, but you know what I had to do once I’d counted them. Thursday Thirteen
It’s been quite a while since I have gotten sucked into an RPG (Roll Playing Game – video game type). The Girl unearthed an oldy but goody a couple of weeks ago and now my time is getting devoured by it. 1. Cloud – the hero. Lots of twisted backstory on this guy.
Here in Montana we tend to get a bit dry. When I lived in Wisconsin I could go a month at a whack without having to water the lawn. Not so in Montana. But for the last week we’ve been more than making up for it. It’s been highs in the 50’s and more rain than not for days. Here are ten things getting wet right now. 1. My garden. Yay! 2. The lawn. Yay again. 3. Lumber I was […]
The Girl just took a final exam in her history class that included such things as which musician used to break his guitar on stage. Yeah. History class. Feeling old much? It got me thinking about the differences between now and when I was her age. 1. Let’s get rid of the obvious first. There was no internet. 2. Computers finally got small enough that you could fit one on a desk and cheep enough for a middle class person […]
The nose piece on my glasses fell off about a week ago. I managed to locate it, but the little screw that held it in place is long gone. Luckily, I have one of those kits that comes with a special screw driver and a set of tiny screws. Unluckily, the tiny screws didn’t fit. I managed to repair it in a way by pushing a straight pin through, then bending the pen around so the tip faced away from […]
I took full advantage of the extra day off. 1. I set up a sales booth. 2. Bought a clothing rack. 3. Finished making a cape. 4. Sold the cape. 5. Altered the cape at a customer’s request. 6. Stalked the customer to see if I did a good job on the alterations. 7. Played a drum 8. Sang badly 9. Got a short story critiqued. 10. Wore a rat tail. 11. Wore funny hats 12. Did a rebel yell […]