I have gone some very long stretches without writing, but always come back to it. Why? Because I get weird when I’m not writing. Ok, I’m probably even more weird when I’m in the middle of a rough draft, but I like the weird writer me more than the weird not-writing me. Here is some of what I’ve noticed. 1. The longer I’ve gone since writing, the more I stare into space. I’ve clocked myself at 10 minutes in the […]
This new diet I’m on has me eating some odd things. For instance, I’ve learned to bake slabs of the glop that you get from boiling flaxseed into a tasty kind of cracker. It makes a pretty good snack if you can get over the slight hint of slime. I’m eating a lot more fish. A LOT more. And nowhere near as much beef. I’m still buying weird vegetables and eating more salad. I’m getting used to it all. Still, […]
1. Spring 2. hides 3. behind 4. a 5. flotilla 6. of 7. pretty 8. boats 9. made 10. from 11. tax 12. return 13. forms For more lists of Thirteen, visit Thursday Thirteen
1. 2. According to one of The Girl’s teachers, there is a mountain near town that is holding on by a thread. Someday it’s going to crack and fall apart. 3. When it goes, it’ll wipe out everything for miles around. 4. But that’s nothing compared to what Yellowstone will do. 5. Yellowstone is a super volcano. Someday it’s going to blow. 6. When it does, it’ll take out the entire state of Wyoming and a good chunk of Montana […]
1. Watched TV 2. Played video games. 3. Smoked a cigarette 4. Surfed the internet 5. Skateboarded 6. Went on Facebook 7. Organized his stuff. 8. Ate some canned fruit. 9. Stared at wall. 10. Pet the cats 11. Paced. 12. Thought about playing guitar. 13. Cut out patches. For more lists of Thirteen, visit Thursday Thirteen
1. It’s always when I should have already gone to bed then remember I don’t have a post ready that I’m most random. 2. I haven’t checked yet, but I bet I mention sleep in most of my random T13s. 3. I still read way too much manga. 4. My ability to feed my manga addiction might be coming to an end. 5. The fifth web site where I typically read it was closed last night. 6. I often wish […]
Hey, I’m learning a lot. Mostly about fat, but I guess that’s to be expected. 1. The serving sizes listed on food packaging have nothing to do with nutritionist recommendations. You have to eat an appropriate amount, then do some math to find out how many fat grams and/or calories you’re eating. 2. The formulas looks like this: Fat grams you ate = Amount you ate / Amount they claim is a serving X Fat grams per serving. One of […]
I’m on a group diet. Sounds weird, but it’s working for me. It’s a program for the prevention of diabetes that my doctor recommended. Here’s some of what I’ve learned. 1. The program is called Lifestyle Balance. It’s free, supported by a combination of state funding and run by the CDC. 2. Diabetes is caused by an over abundance of glucose in the blood. I already knew that, but I hadn’t realized the over abundance isn’t cause only by insulin […]
Etsy only lets me pack five photos together per transaction. Which ones should I include in my Canada pack? 1.
I didn’t get much done this week. How’d I do from last week? 1. Clear off my couch so my ds will have a place to sleep tonight. I did! But then I filled it again. 2. Sweep the floor Done. And it’s harder than it sounds when you have trouble bending over. 3. Dishes They never end. It’s still on the list. 4. Find and update password list. I have torn the house apart and put it back together […]
1. Clear off my couch so my ds will have a place to sleep tonight. 2. Sweep the floor 3. Dishes 4. Find and update password list 5. Update my Welcome page 6. Update my Suzie’s House episode listing 7. Catch up on revision goals. 8. Learn to make cardboard boxes 9. Buy more healthy food 10. Update my To Do list 11. Join the YMCA for the free swimming 12. Do my exercizes 13. Put together some screensaver packs. […]
I’ve been looking for a notebook full of passwords. So far this is what I’ve found. 1. A pattern for hair “fascinators” 2. Flashcards with plot points for a book that I’m revising. 3. A coupon that expired in 2011 4. A piece of paper folded to act as a combination book mark and place to write notes about what I’m reading. 5. A newsletter from a neighborhood I’ve since moved away from. In the whole time I was there […]
1. We started the day in the North West tip of Washington, a bit north of Seattle.
1. We had a little time to kill before the ferry took us back to the mainland, so we decided to take a short tour.