I blame this one on Clean and Crazy, who didn’t know she was giving me ideas. Take one reindeer with frayed electrical cord to the roof. Add Christmas Music played at 20 decibels to one irate neighbor. Mix in a dozen screaming kids in the yard, a broken shingle, an open bottle of burgundy empty stomach and fresh snow. Finish with a spouse holding a light bulb. “You forgot his nose!”
Snap Another capture Little girl, hands flapping on the ends of upraised arms pleading, “Daddy, pick me up.” Worthy of the picture and maybe a poem to be added to a collection of exquisite moments. Click Kids, cats, cormorants, anything that moves in the direction of joy becomes the building blocks. All of life, grist for the mill.
So sad seems the little boat tied to shore as if it didn’t belong there. But our destiny is not the open sea. It’s not the arduous transit through rough waters, or dull clear skies. It’s not the moment when the waters open up and cry “drown in me.” Our destiny is the dock on the other shore. Click on picture to go to hub.
Click on picture to go to hub. . . . Yeah, I see you lurking there, Standing on the threshold as if a broom might descend, sweeping you out with the spam. Relax. I know how to tell friend from foe. And I know you are only a tourist here. So what? Come on in and sit a spell. Here, at least, you are welcome..
Small gestures of love keep me alive. A hug, a kiss, a smile offered when the avalanche of rejection crescendos to the point where I can hardly breathe, let alone write another drop of soul. When I’m looking at the switchblade and the wrist and thinking they belong together small gestures; a hug, a smile, a kiss…. Click on image to go to hub. [ A reminder: this is FICTION. My suicidal days are long behind me. After all, I […]
Click on picture to go to hub. White sheets. White curtains. White walls. Hospitals are full of bland. Gene fingers the button to call the nurse. Where are his clothes? Should he take them? Then what, home to Dad? Not likely. Decisions overwhelm him. Can’t decide anything with a fuzzy head. Gene rolls over. Sleeps. Lets the Social Services lady have her way. I can’t get at the file where Suzie’s House is right now, but I can still write […]
Click on picture to go to hub. Forgotten. The singing in the soul. Fine, bright, luminous thoughts playing “philosophy” with dissimilarly minded comrades. Fallen into disrepair, the grand scheme of things. Buried by acceptance of what is and fatigue of what is not yet. Remembered. Brought forth by the troubadour who will not set down his pen in the face of life.
Death comes stalking on cancerous feet taking down lives on the edge of my awareness. First in rumors; the threat to a relative of a friend of a cousin now eight days in the hospital, or the newspaper article about someone once known. It’s over there. I needn’t worry. No reason to be upset. Closer, creeping along the ground like toxic gas in a WWII movie, Death moves in for another kill. A stranger living three doors down didn’t make […]