Categotry Archives: Photos

A Random 13

1. We’re going to take a little intermission from my Iceland trip because I’m just feeling too random today. 2. The picture under #1 was in Borgarnes behind the Settlement Center.


From Reykjavik to Stykkisholmur

These trips tend to cover a lot of ground quickly. The first day we arrived in the airport, then toured the city, met up for dinner, and had a meeting in which everyone introduced themselves and we talked about the trip. On the second day we did all this:


Random Pictures of Iceland

I was originally planning on posting about Reykjavik today, as that’s where the tour started, but it looks like I will have to wade through several hours of recordings first. I ran out of time. So instead, I bring you a random assortment of pictures from the first few days of the trip.


Cabo San Lucas Pix

I’m trying to organize my travel posts for easier access. Right now I’m working on my two trips to Cabo San Lucas. When I did the posts, I was participating in a blog challenge called 365. You were supposed to post a photo every day. A lot of my Cabo posts were nothing more than a photo. Here I’m bringing some of them together so people interested in the trip don’t have to click on a dozen posts just to […]


The Kintamani Volcano Area

There’s a town on the other side of Lake Batur whose name escapes me. It’s set up on a ridge. The ridge is so narrow that only the road down the middle fits. The buildings on either side spill down the sides. We stopped there for lunch.



I was going to talk about straw hats today, but last night was the blood harvest full eclipsed moon and I have a new-to-me lens. Yep, I’ve got a 55 to 100 zoom that I had never tried before. While Mr. Al was running around with his telescope, I went out to try out my lens. Here’s what I got. This one was the first one I took. Notice the tree line along the bottom of the moon? It was […]


A Good Thing

I seriously considered giving this post the title “An Overabundance of Good”, but decided there’s no such thing as an overabundance when it comes to good. However, sometimes good things will keep you busy. I got a new computer for Christmas, and have been scrambling to transfer off my very slow and annoying old one. Once I’ve got everything set up and working right, I expect to be much, much faster. In the meanwhile, I’ve been busy.


13 Pictures of Goats in Mongolia

Goats have not traditionally been a favored animal for nomadic Mongolians. They do too much damage to the roots of plants. However in recent years the lure of high pay for cashmere has lead to a steady increase in goat herds. Now they are all over Mongolia. Although we were fed more beef, we saw far more goats. 1. Sometimes quite close.


Gandan Monastery

Photos 1,2,and 7 from my Thursday 13 last week were taken at the Gandan Monastery in Ulaanbaatar. In case you missed it, Ulaanbaatar (pronounced like lawn bought-er) is the national capital of Mongolia. I know of at least two Buddhist monasteries there. We visited one.


13 More Pictures of Craters of the Moon



13 Pictures of Craters of the Moon

As I mentioned on Monday, our vacation included a day at Craters of the Moon National Park. 1. The area starts off with some routine Western grandeur. If you didn’t know there was a lava field in the area, you’d never guess it.


Craters of the Moon

On our way to Cabo San Lucas, we stopped off at Craters of the Moon National Monument. For a measly ten dollars we got to spend the night at the campground there and for a few bucks extra we spent the next day driving around looking at “old” lava. Craters is in central Idaho. Two thousand years ago there was a “hot spot” under the area. I’m talking volcanic here, not internet. As the earth’s crust passed over the hot […]
